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Season Seven, Episode ElevenDisarm

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Season Seven, Episode Eleven

There was an active shooter at Pacific College not even less then 10 minutes away from the hosptial. The doctors gathered arounf the lobby and watched the news as the reporter stated the severity of the situation, just like the one they were all in 6 months ago. Max was holding onto Mark tightly as Lexie cried onto graham right next to her, most of them, still have that day in their head like it had just happend, because it did just happen.

"Hey, what's going on?" Teddy walks into the lobby and asks, stopping at the tv, watching the reporter just like everyone else.

'A major Seattle-area shooting, we have reports that a gunman has opned fire on students and faculty'

"Bailey?" Hunt says, " Bailey, fill us in"

'Again, that's at pacific college we now take you live to out on-scene reporter-'

'Students and faculty are still in the building, im trying to get answers to what we know so far is that a gunman opned fire at Pacific College and there at least a dozen- Im sorry, at least 20 victims'

"As much as I would love to stand around and wtach the news, we'll need to get ready for the ambulances, does everyone know there role, if not pplease speak to Bailey. This is a mass shooting which means we need all hands alwhile not getting in the way" Max pulls away from Mark and stand in front of the tv, "I suspect, they'll be there 30 minutes or less, we need to get to e.r ready and make sure everything is stocked and ready"

Nobody moved, they watched Max like she was some crazy person who people watched on the streets, "She said move now people!" Miranda yelled making people haul ass and get to there spots wherever that may be.

Max stood in the group with Mark, Lexie, Graham, Miranda, Leo and Derek, "Here is my first and final check in, we wont have time to worry so I am asking now, Can we do this?"

Everyone nods but nobody says anything, "I get that it's still fresh for us but those kids are with us, they know so we have to be our best and do our best, if you need a moment just a sliver of a second at anytime for youself take it and/or find your designated person" Max sighs, "Okay, I love you all. Lets do this"

 Lets do this"

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