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Season Six, Episode Thirteen State of Love and Trust

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Season Six, Episode Thirteen
State of Love and Trust

Max was not a happy camper, she was not happy that Derek went behind Max's back and told Jennings that Richard had a drinking problem, he should've went to her first. Yes, Max agrees that Richards drinking problem does make him unfit for the chief position but it still would've been nice for Derek to go directly to her first.

On the other hand, Max was happy. She finishes boxing up her bridesmaid and maid of honor boxes and she was over the moon excited to go be them to her girls. Mark had already asked Derek to be his best man, Leo and Graham to be his groomsman so now it was Max's turn to surprise everyone. She gathered her four surprise boxes and set them in her locker.

"Bubba? What are you doing here so late?" Mark walked into the room, a muffin in one and a coffee in the other.

"I was getting the boxes for the girls, I was talking to Graham and we was telling me that Lexie was getting anxious so I figured that I should probably ask them today" Max turned around to face him, holding Miranda's box, "I figured I would go to Miranda first"

"I know I got here earlier because of surgery but I ran to the coffee shop and got you some breakfast but when I couldn't find you, I got worried" Mark walked closer to his fiancé, giving her a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, I love you" Max sighed heavenly, she didn't think she would ever get over him.

"Do I have permission to talk about Derek?" Mark asked slowly.

"No, you do not" Max grumbled, taking the coffee and walking out of the room with Mark following, "You know, just a few short years ago Derek was asking Richard to be his best man but now he's backstabbingy and stealing jobs"

"He was doing the right thing" Mark tried to defend him friend.

"Doing the right thing also would've entailed telling me first or even Leo! I'm just so tired of his angled agenda and then having my Mom call me and ask about what happened? For a person who practically grew up in my house, he sure doesn't have any consideration for any of us" Max shook her head in disbelief. Derek would always be Max's family but she wasn't so sure if they were friends anymore.

"Shit" Mark said under his breath, "I've got to go, tell me what Miranda says! I love you!"

"Shit" Mark said under his breath, "I've got to go, tell me what Miranda says! I love you!"

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