Max loved living in New York, she had everything she could ever want, having a best friend like Derek Shepherd, being able to call Addison Montgomery an honorary sister and coming home to a boyfriend like Mark Sloan.
Sure, Max had everything she co...
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A hard days night Season one Episode one
Max was getting ready for work, today was the day that the new Interns started and she was excited to see who they were going to be. She already gave her daughter some breakfast and gotten her almost ready to go to the daycare that the hospital provided.
"Are you almost ready to go Mae" Max asked her six year old daughter, she bent down to her daughters level so she could brush her hair.
"Hey Mae, Are you getting ready for today? You look so pretty" Derek said from behind Max, she turned around to look at her friend confused as to why he was in her house.
"Shep why are you here so early?" Max asked picking up her daughter so they could leave.
"I was actually just across the street" Derek told her, picking up a piece of toast and taking a bite out of it.
"Well you stink so take a shower, change or whatever. I'm leaving I'll see you there" Max told him kissing his cheek then walking out the door.
Max put her daughter in the car seat and walked around to the front seat, she looked at her daughter through the rear view mirror, wondering how Mark could be fine not knowing who is daughter is, so when Max didn't hear a reply by the second week she decided that she should move on for her and her daughters sake.
The doctor parked her car in her parking space and turned off her car, she walked to the side that Maeve was at and she unbuckled her car seat and picked her up.
"Are you ready to play with some friends?" Max asked her daughter, she was so lucky that Maeve turned out the way she did, she was the perfect child.
"Yeah mommy, I wanna see Jake" Maeve replied back putting her head on her moms shoulder.
Max walked into the hospital and spotted Miranda Bailey "Miranda! Hey how are you this morning?" She asked her friend, and of course she knew the answer, it was new intern day and knowing Miranda she was not excited.
"Like you don't already know the answer to that, snotty Interns with there snotty personal problems, so excited for that!" Miranda said faking excitement, she turned around and cause Maeve and her expression immediately changed "Hi Mae Mae, how are you today, I bet you're just perfect"
Maeve laughed at Miranda, holding her arms out so Miranda could take her "I've got to take her to daycare, mind walking with me?" Max asked her very best friend Miranda who was making faces at Maeve who was in her arms.
"Of course I can spare a few, spending time with your child is going to be the highlight of my day" Miranda replied and they both walked over the the elevator so they could drop off Maeve.
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