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Max was in hers and Marks office talking to her brother Leonard, the two siblings were only 2 years apart and as close as can be, even though Max and Leo were on different sides of the United States.

They were talking about a position in the hospital that Max had been offered, Head of Pediatric Surgery, it was an amazing opportunity and even to be considered was still amazing, Leo has been trying to get Max to say yes for almost a week now.

"Come on Max, the worst thing that could happen is that they don't like you and you get fired, and how cool would it be to work with your big bro!" Leo said trying to talk a very cautious Max into it.

"Wow Leo, what a way to change my mind, I'll look into it more" Max said sighing, she opened up the link on her desktop and looking at the benefits "I swear you are so annoying" Max could hear the chuckles of her brother through the phone and she smiled, missing her big brother.

"Okay, I don't know, is everyone amazing" Max asked, which probably should have been the first question she asked, she didn't want to be working with horrible doctors.

"Richard Webber is the Chief obviously, and there's this resident named Miranda Bailey, she's a spitfire you'll love her Max" Leo told Max with a cheer in his voice, he hasn't seen his little sister in 5 years, which he knows was partly his fault since he moved to Seattle but it was now 1997 and they were both overdue for a visit.

"Yeah! I haven't seen Webber in a while, and Miranda Bailey seems like my type of women" Max said laughing, she loved having strong women by her side.

"Yeah I know, hey what did Mark say?" Leo questioned

"Say about what?" Max asked confused, what did he say about what.

"About you becoming the Head of Peds, all the way in Seattle" Leo said in a duh tone, how could his sister forget about that.

"I wasn't going to tell him until I actually figured out what I was going to do" Max told her brother, she didn't want share good news to her boyfriend if it ended up falling through.

"Don't you think should've told him before you sent in your stuff? Seattle isn't an hour plane ride, it's a big commitment and if you want Mark to be apart of this ride then you need to include him on what you're doing and this is a great opportunity Max, don't pass this up" Leo said giving his sister some advice.

"Shit Leo" Max said sighing laying her head on her desk, her brother was right of course, and there was always a possibility that Mark doesn't want to come with, Max laughed at her last thought, of course he would want to come with I would do the same for him if the roles were reversed.

"Go tell him Max" Leo told her then hanging up the phone before she could say goodbye.

Max walked into the living room where Mark was at watching some sport movie, Mark looked up at her smiling opening his arms so she knows to sit down

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Max walked into the living room where Mark was at watching some sport movie, Mark looked up at her smiling opening his arms so she knows to sit down.

"How's Leo? He still likes being Head of Cardio?" Mark asked kissing the top of Max's head and rubbing her arm.

"Yeah yeah, he's greats but um there's something I wanted to tell you actually" Max stuttered, nervous about telling him and nervous about his reaction, but she was hopeful, after all Mark always says he'll follow her everywhere she goes.

Marks eyes squinted in confusion, why was Max acting to weird, it can't be that bad "Okay shoot"

Max sighed "I got offered to become the Head of  Pediatric Surgery" she stopped just in case and just so she could keep her nervousness down.

"The Head of Peds! That's great babe!" Mark said excitedly, he must have taken her pause as the end of her news.

"In Seattle" Max finished, Mark looked at her like she was crazy before getting up from the couch and walking to there room. This was not how Max expected him to react.


Okay! Only a couple more chapters of part one and then Part two is here!!!

How do you guys feels that she made this big decision without Mark? Would you guys do the same?

The Fray - Over my Head (Cable Car)

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