Max loved living in New York, she had everything she could ever want, having a best friend like Derek Shepherd, being able to call Addison Montgomery an honorary sister and coming home to a boyfriend like Mark Sloan.
Sure, Max had everything she co...
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Season Six, Episode Twenty Hook, Line, and Sinner
Tonight was one filled with chaos, Callie and Arizona are arguing about having children, Max and Lexie are drunk upstairs in the master bedroom trying on the wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses and Mark and the boys are downstairs in the living room betting against something while yelling very loudly.
"You're going to look to pretty on your wedding day, so pretty" Lexie tell Max, slurring her words.
"I can't wait to marry Mark but just thinking about how much work we have to sttill go though makes me want to just elope" Max tells her which Lexie agrees too, "We better get out of these dresses before we ruin them"
"I know that I didn't pay for this bridesmaid dress but damn, it was so expensive" Lexie chuckles.
"Yeah, you're welcome" Max laughs with her, taking the dress by the straps and setting it back into the protective lining and placing it in her closest. Lexie does the same with hers.
"Max! Maxine!" Mark yells from downstairs, his voice sounded urgent so the girls wasted no time to hurry downstairs.
"Mark? Is everything- oh holy shit" Max gasped at the sight of Arizona holding Sloans baby.
"Wow, aren't you guys glad that this is hardwood floor" Lexie hiccups into her drink.
"Graham go get my bag from the office, we need another clamp" Max urges Graham and sticks her hand out for the clamp, "Scissors"
"How is he? Is he okay? Is he good?" Sloan pants, her voice filled with worry.
"He's amazing, Sloan. you did great" Max smiles at her, trying to calm her down.
"Oh, Dad" Sloan whines.
"All right" Max says when she clips the umbilical cord.
"Any sounds?" Arizona asks, taking the baby from Max's side.
"Not yet"
"Come on, baby boy. Come on, Come on" Arizona steps back from the rest of them, trying to get the baby to make some sort of noise.
Max stared at Mark in worry but they both smiled when they hear the baby start to cry.
"Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about" Arizona say handing the baby to Mark, "Here you go, Grandpa"
"Oh, wow, Mark. He's such a handsome little guy" Max says from beside Mark, holding onto the babies tiny hand.