Max loved living in New York, she had everything she could ever want, having a best friend like Derek Shepherd, being able to call Addison Montgomery an honorary sister and coming home to a boyfriend like Mark Sloan.
Sure, Max had everything she co...
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The three friends walked over to the empty table in the corner, Max took the chair facing the bar so that she could see the people coming and going, Callie and Graham took the seats next to her.
"I'm gonna get a drink, you guys fancy something?" Graham said looking at the girls either expecting eyes.
"No, no. I've gotta drive home, just a water for me is fine" Max said shaking her head immediately.
"Give me a few shots, you can choose how many" Callie said waving her hand in the air.
Max laughed at her friend, Callie literally lived at the hospital and since the hospital was only across the street, it didn't matter how drunk she got.
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Max was having a great time, she couldn't even remember the last time she had this much fun. Her and Callie were in the middle of the Bar dancing to whatever song was on, it didn't even matter that Max wasn't drinking, being around Callie's big personality made everything twenty times better.
Callie was swinging her hips while Max just shimmied her shoulders, she looked around the room noticing the stares that they were getting, her eyes stopped at the grinning guy at the bar and she stopped dancing and smiled at him, which he gladly returned so she took that as a sign to go over.
"I'm Max" She said holding her hand out for the man to shake.
He gave her a small laugh and shook her hand, "Levi"
"Levi" She said back to him with a hum and tapping her finger on her chin, "I like that, mind if I sit?"
He nods his head and gestures to the chair next to him, "Go ahead, this is the first time a pretty girl has walked up to me in a bar"
Max began to blush, this was a first for her too but she was not going to leave here without getting to know this guy.
"This may seem like a weird fast date, but I'm up for it if you are?" Max said sheepishly, tucking the fallin' hair from her bum behind her ears.
"I'm game, if it has anything to do with you, I'm up for anything" He says back to her with a smile, she could tell that he knew why he was doing, and he was good at it.