Max loved living in New York, she had everything she could ever want, having a best friend like Derek Shepherd, being able to call Addison Montgomery an honorary sister and coming home to a boyfriend like Mark Sloan.
Sure, Max had everything she co...
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Begin the Begin Season two episode thirteen
Maxwalked into Rebecca Singleton's room, where she was meeting George O'Malley her intern for today.
"Dr. O'Malley" Max said from behind him, giving him warning that she was there.
"Hi. Um, Mr. and Mrs. Singleton" The male Interns said pointing to the parents "Rebecca, this is Dr. Mallard"
"You don't think it's cancer, do you? Bex is too young for cancer, right?" Mrs. Singleton asked as soon as George was done talking.
"Mrs. Singleton, I'm just now getting caught up with everything. I'm sorry, Dr. O'Malley?" Max said looking at the parents then down at Bex's chart.
"Rebecca's been admitted for-" George said beginning to two Max what he knew but the patient interrupted him.
"Could you stop calling me that?" Bex said calling out George.
"She prefers Bex, not Rebecca" Mr. Singleton said with an apologetic tone.
"Bex has been admitted for an ultrasound guided biopsy on an enlargement of a pelvic lymph node" George said correcting himself.
"Okay. Bex, would you hate me if I checked it out?" Max said in a hopeful tone as she looked at the little girl.
"Okay, I'll just, um..." Mr. Singleton stutters as he walked out of the room to girl his daughter some privacy.
"It's a minor procedure, Bex." Max said hoping to ease the girl "But we'll give you a local anesthetic to mange the pain"
Max pulled up her gown to feel her stomach to see if she could feel anything, "What are you drawing?" George asked to keep Bex's attention away from the pain.
"Just a dumb comic" She told the intern looking down at her sketch book.
"You're really talented" He said looking down at the drawing.
"It's big, I know. It just appeared on day" Mrs. Singleton told Max once she noticed the look on her face.
"I'll perform a biopsy this morning, and Dr. O'Malley will have to take some blood so he can run some tests, and then we can start to get you some answers, does that sound good?" Max said giving Bex a small smile, the patient faintly nodded her head but that was enough for Max "Mrs. Singleton, there's no need to panic, I'll update you every step of the way"