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Blues for sister someone Season two episode twenty-three

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Blues for sister someone
Season two episode twenty-three

"God dammit...stupid Mark...stupid Addison...just stupid stupid stupid" Max mumbles to herself As she cleans on the spilt coffee that was on her coat.

"She's still mad about the whole Mark Sloan thing?" Christina whispered to Meredith as they both looked over at a crazed Max.

"Well you try getting knocked up and then dumped and then basically stranded" Meredith whispered back to her friend "Just run if she looks at you"

"I need an Intern, now" Max said to the three interns that were standing right next to her.

"I'm with Bailey" Meredith told the Doctor then walking away very quickly.

"I'm with Mallard" Christina said right after Meredith did.

Max sighed at the two "Karev"

"I don't do vagina, not as a doctor anyway" Alex said talking back to the Doctor who was not in a great mood one bit.

"Oh, great, back talk" Max called out after him, "Actually, I think you would be perfect in pink scrubs, you just bought yourself a case" She gives Alex the patients binders that she had to see today and walks away.

"How are you today?" Derek said turning to walk next to her.

"Mark finds out he has a child, which I didn't know he didn't know, then he leaves again and I know, okay, I know that I shouldn't be mad because I have Levi now but all I can think about is how crushed I was when he didn't show up" She huffed out, why is everyone being so stupid today?

"Right, well have a good day?" Derek said to the girl not really sure how to end the comment.

"Yeah whatever" Max sighed continuing to make her way to the changing room.

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