Max loved living in New York, she had everything she could ever want, having a best friend like Derek Shepherd, being able to call Addison Montgomery an honorary sister and coming home to a boyfriend like Mark Sloan.
Sure, Max had everything she co...
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Max and her group of friends, which only consist of three other people besides her, were hanging out at a bar where they normally got together. Derek and Addison were in the corner throwing darts while Max and Mark were sitting at their table drinking beer and talking.
"You know someday I'm gonna leave this place" Max said slightly buzzed holding her boyfriends hand.
Mark laughed, he of course thought it was the funniest thing she's ever said, who leaves New York? He thought.
"Okay babe, where do you wanna go?" He asked just to humor her.
"I don't know, I think It'd be nice to be with my brother for a while" Max said truthfully, now Mark was confused, was she actually being serious or was she just drunk but he just let it pass.
"Seattle? You want to go to Seattle? That's crazy, I mean other then your brother what's in Seattle?" His laughing was not dying down, the thought of a big city girl going to Seattle was just hilarious to him. Max rolled her eyes at him playfully hitting his shoulder.
"Shut up Mark, don't act like you wouldn't follow me" Max joked resting her head on her boyfriends shoulder, he kissed her head and said
"You're right, i'd follow you anywhere you go"
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Derek and Addison came to the table after a couple rounds of darts and sat down in there seats, looking at the couple sitting across from them, for Derek it was weird seeing his best friends so in love even if they've been together for many years now and for Addison she loved them together, she thought that no one in the world could ever be more in love then these to right now.
"God you guys make me sick" Addi joked at the two laughing at how in love they still were.
"Oh be quite Addi, you're just jealous that me and Max are still in the honeymoon phase and we've been together as long as you guys" Mark jokes putting his hand on Derek's shoulder.
"Oh yeah, and you guys still aren't married?" Derek comments back.
The group of four always played around like this, they never felt anything by it but Max deep down always wondered why Mark never proposed, they talked about having a family together and they both wanted one but it seemed like getting married was never on his mind.
"Leave us alone Shep" Max said pinching her friends arm.
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Max and Mark went home a couple hours later, neither of them were drunk, which was a good think since Max had to get up early to go to the hospital. They both did there little night routine and climbed into there king size bed, Mark pulled Max closer to his body and kissed the top of her head.
"You know I'd marry you any day right?" He said into her hair, she pulled herself from his body to get a better look at his face.
"How'd you know what I was thinking?" Max asked her boyfriend, whose eyes were closed probably to get some sleep.
"You don't have to say anything for me to know how you feel Max, I know you" He said opening his eyes to a better look at his girl, who was looking at him with a look that could only be interpreted as adoration or love. She planted a loving kiss on his lips and nuzzled into his warmth.
"I love you, so much" Max said sighing into his chest, closing her eyes, waiting for sleep to come.
I suck I know, but I freaking love Mark Sloan so much.
Also part one is going to be before she moves to Seattle and a little after, also the chapters will be a little shorter but part two of course is gonna be the start of season one.
Lifehouse - You and Me
So how do you guys like non-player Mark Sloan? I personally love it