Max loved living in New York, she had everything she could ever want, having a best friend like Derek Shepherd, being able to call Addison Montgomery an honorary sister and coming home to a boyfriend like Mark Sloan.
Sure, Max had everything she co...
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Dedicated to you guys, thank you for everything <3
"He looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man." F. Scott Fitzgerald • The Great Gatsby
Today was the day, it was the day that Max had dreamed of since she was a little girl, it was something she had hoped and pondered for since she had first met Mark. Today was the day where her dreams came true.
"Wake up, Maxi" Graham cooed from the side of his and Lexie's guest bed, he was holding a cup of coffee and some pancakes.
"I don't think I can eat, I might throw it all back up" Max told him with a groan, taking the coffee and the plate nonetheless.
"Today's the day!" Lexie barges into the room with a smile.
"Lex, I told you to wait until she's full awake" Callie tells her, giving Max a sorry smile before grabbing Lexie's arm and pulling her out of the room.
"Sorry about that, love. She's quite a bit excited" Graham chuckles fondly.
"Don't worry about that Graham, besides, I would rather he be excited than jealous" Max gives him a pointed look, hinting about their wedding so subtly.
"Agreed" Graham nods his head. He takes the coffee and the plate from her hands and sets it on the nightstand, "Hey!" She opposes.
"You're eating too slow, you have to start getting your day ready" Graham tells her, throwing the blanket off of her legs.
"You're rude" Max tells him as she gets out of bed and head out into the living room.
"Max! How excited are you" Arizona smiles at her.
"Its all a bit of a whirlwind, if I'm being honest" Max plops down on the couch next to Callie, "Its like when you're a kid on the night before Santa comes, you're so excited that you can't even function"
"Let us function for you" Lexie tells her, handing the coffee back to her, "Your mom, brothers and Webber are going to be here in a little bit, then hair is at 12, makeup is at 2 and getting dressed is at 4. I made sure to leave space in between, just in case things are running a little slower"
"Its 10 now so you'll have time to talk to your mom, brothers and Webber before we have to get back to your house to get ready" Callie tells her, "I already spoke to Derek and he says that Marks speech is ready so all that is left to do is get ready for the actual wedding"
They all turn around when they hear a knock at the door, "Come in" Graham shouts, watching as Max's family walks through the door.
"My baby" Piper cries, pulling her daughter into a hug.
"Im glad we are doing this now because I don't think my makeup could handle doing this before my wedding" Max jokes, trying not to cry herself. When she looks over at Leo, whose face is red from trying to not cry, she looses it.