Max loved living in New York, she had everything she could ever want, having a best friend like Derek Shepherd, being able to call Addison Montgomery an honorary sister and coming home to a boyfriend like Mark Sloan.
Sure, Max had everything she co...
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Season Six, Episode Eleven Blink
Max was having a lazy morning, all she wanted to do was stay in bed with Mark and if she could, maybe a little morning sex. She felt Mark turn over to her, now face to face and he gave her a look.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Mark raised his eyebrows seductively.
"Oh, I would love to do what we are both thinking" Max giggled, feeling his hand snack under her side and lifting her up to lay on top of him.
"We should have morning sex everyday" Mark said, kissing her in between each word.
"Hey, do we have anymore- oh! ew!" Sloan walked into their bedroom, failing to knock.
"Sloan!" Max groaned out, climbing off of Mark.
"Woah" Mark said, getting out of bed.
Max let out another groan when Sloan left their bedroom in a hurry, so much for a good morning.
"She really needs to learn how to knock, Mark" Max told him, following him into the bathroom.
"I know, I know. We're all adjusting" Mark told her, trying to find some excuse.
"How is knocking an adjustment? Maeve is 11 and even she knocks! Listen, I don't know how Sloan was raised or what her previous home was like but I like a little warning before someone enters my bedroom and it shouldn't be such a hard thing to ask for" Max told him, getting ready for the day as they spoke.
"She'll learn, just be patient" Mark shrugged it off again.
"Just be patient? I have been more then patient, I am the thing after patience. We're all trying here, Mark the least she could do is try as well"
Mark turned to her and pulled her into a hug, "I know Bubba and I'm grateful for everything you've done to make Sloan feel at home. I didn't mean that you haven't been understanding throughout all this, I'm just trying to look at it from her point of view. It's probably been super hard meeting me and finding out that she has a sister and a brother or meeting you. It's overwhelming for all of us"
Max nodded her head into his chest, of course he was right but so was she, he just had a better argument.
After the talk, they walked down to the kitchen together. Neither of them were dressed for the day but a little extra time in the morning was good.
"Sloan, you have to start knocking. We've talked about this before" Max sighed, walking into the kitchen to see Sloan sitting on the bar stools.