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It had been a couple days since Max found out she was pregnant, she had already told her brother, Derek and Addison but it was a little harder to reach Mark, Max called him almost 10 times, a day, but still no answer and honestly she was getting annoyed.

"Write him a letter or something" Addison joked from the phone, Max had called her to vent about her newfound problems and Addison wasn't helping one bit.

"Hahaha you are so funny Addison" Max replied sarcastically "Whatever Addi, ill call you back later, send Shep my love"

Max hung up the phone, the silence getting to her so she decided to write a letter to Mark.

She was in sobbing tears by the end of the letter, she probably seemed desperate but she didn't care, she needed him to know how much she missed him and loved him and still cared for him

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She was in sobbing tears by the end of the letter, she probably seemed desperate but she didn't care, she needed him to know how much she missed him and loved him and still cared for him.

Max stepped into her realtors office, she was going to buy a house today

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Max stepped into her realtors office, she was going to buy a house today.

"Max! I am so happy you liked the house" Her relator Jane said pulling her into a hug.

"Yeah me too, I love the house and I'll love it even more once I start living in it" Max told Jane, the excitement was written all over Max's face, she honestly was excited to put down some roots and finally get out of her brothers apartment.

"Right well, let's get started shall we" Jane said grabbing a couple pieces of paper for Max to sign "Okay all you have to do is sign on the line and we are all set!" Max grabbed a pen and signed her name so she could get the house, once she was done she set the pen back down.

"Do you know when I can get the keys to the house?" Max asked hopeful that the answer was soon.

"Tomorrow is perfect if you're free, just come on down and I'll give them to you" Jane told the girl who was smiling at the news.

Max bid a goodbye before walking out of the door and into her car, she was not excited for the drive back to the apartment, ever since she found out she was pregnant car rides were a big no no.

It was the next day and Max already got the keys to her new place, her and Leo got some time off for the move so it was nice not having to worry about the hospital

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It was the next day and Max already got the keys to her new place, her and Leo got some time off for the move so it was nice not having to worry about the hospital.

"Okay come on Max, we've only got a few more boxes to unload" Leo said annoyed that his sister was sitting around.

"Shut up you dingus, I'm pregnant leave me alone" Max replied back, hitting her brother on the back of his head. Leo rolled his eyes and started to grab the last few things to bring inside.

The unloading part was done but Max still had to unpack everything, but first they needed a food break.

"Let's go to Joes" Leo said pulling his sister up from the floor.

"Leo, that's a bar" Max pointed out "I'm pregnant, why would I go to a bar"

"I drink, you eat" He said grabbing his keys off the mantle.

The drive to joes wasn't that bad, pretty short actually. They walked into the bar and grabbed a table out of the way, "I want a cheeseburger Leo, will you order me a cheeseburger"

Leo got up from his chair and walked over to the bar
"Can I get a glass of whisky and a cheeseburger no tomatoes and fries oh and a Dr Pepper please" He ordered the food and the drinks and sat back down.

Max was exhausted from the move, she was about to fall asleep at this bar but her phone went off, it was Derek, so she answered.

"Hey Shep, what's up?" Max asked, but she heard crying on the other line, all of a sudden Max became alert of the situation.

"Derek what's wrong?" Max asked as clear as she can be, but she still heard Derek on the other line crying.

"She she cheated on me" He told the girl finally, Max gasped, Addison cheated on Derek? There was no way.

"Okay buddy, what do you want me to do? I've got a nice house here that you can stay at for a little while, if that's what you want to do. You can call Richard tomorrow and see about a job, I can help with that also, just tell me what you need me to do" Max said frantically, she had four bedrooms so him staying with her wasn't a problem and Derek was the best neurologist in America so Richard shouldn't have a problem hiring him.

"Yeah, I already booked a flight to you, I'll be there at 1 in the morning, if you can pick me up, I'll appreciate it" He said his crying stopped a little bit Max could tell that he wasn't going to get over it soon.

"Yeah Shep, I can get you, that's no problem" Max told her best friend, she honestly didn't have a problem picking him up at such a late hour, he would do the same for her.


I don't know anything about buying a house, I'm a 19 year old college student so I'm broke.

How do you guys think Max feels at this moment?

This chapter is the end of part one and then we are starting part two!!

Don't mind the mistakes in the letter, I'm not fixing it because I'm over it

I just want to say that I KNOW Derek didn't come to Seattle until like 6 weeks before season one

Avril Lavigne - Wish you were here

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