Max loved living in New York, she had everything she could ever want, having a best friend like Derek Shepherd, being able to call Addison Montgomery an honorary sister and coming home to a boyfriend like Mark Sloan.
Sure, Max had everything she co...
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Haunt you every day Season four episode five
Mark had been staying the night at the Mallard household for the last 2 nights and if Max was being honest, she was getting used to waking up to him. So when she woke up this morning and he wasn't next to her she felt emptiness take over her body, she laid in bed staring at the ceiling for a couple of minutes before finally getting up and starting her day.
Taking the short walk to her bathroom she stopped in front of the mirror and sighed when she saw her reflection: messy hair, dark circles and pale skin. Turning on the sink, she cupped her hands together and splashed some water onto her face hopeful that it'll wake her up just a little.
"Get it together, Maxine" She muttered to herself, reaching over to grab her toothbrush she noticed how perfect hers and Marks looked together, she groaned angrily grabbing the toothpaste and pouring some onto her toothbrush.
She finally made it downstairs but she didn't forget to make it known that she was in a mood with huffing, sighing and stopping her feet.
"If you're always going to be this annoying in the morning when Mark doesn't stay over then I am personally going to ask him to move in" Callie said to her, not even bothering to be sympathetic.
"Why are you so harsh and mean, so so mean, I do not appreciate it" Max groaned when she opened the mug cabinet and then groaned again when she slammed it shut.
"I'm your best friend, I don't get paid to be nice" Callie responded back.
"You don't get paid at all" Max pointed out.
"Well maybe if I did, I would be nicer. It takes a lot to put up with you" Callie joked, "and don't forget to lay out Maeve's Halloween costume for tonight!"
"So mean" Max said again but didn't go any further, which made Callie laugh which made Max more annoyed so she grabbed her coffee cup and went to her room.
Grabbing the package with Maeve's Halloween costume, she grabbed a pair of scissors she sliced it open, reviewing the Amelia Earhart costume that Maeve had picked out and gently picking it up and placing it on her bed, luckily Maeve stayed the night at her grandmas because if she had gotten one glance at the costume she would have wanted to wear it to .
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