Max loved living in New York, she had everything she could ever want, having a best friend like Derek Shepherd, being able to call Addison Montgomery an honorary sister and coming home to a boyfriend like Mark Sloan.
Sure, Max had everything she co...
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Damage Case Season two Episode twenty four
Max woke up to Maeve screaming her face, literally screaming, "Maeve what are you doing?" Max asks her seven year old daughter that was sitting on top of her.
"I'm hungry!" Maeve yelled slamming her hand on her face for dramatic affect.
"Well... is there any reason you're on top of me?" The mother questioned, picking up her daughter and setting her down on the actual bed.
"I'm hungry duh!" Maeve sassed, getting up of the bed and running out of the room.
Max sighed as she watched her daughters young frame leave, sometimes having a kid sucked but that was only sometimes.
She got out of bed stepping into her slippers and sliding her glasses on, shaking her head to make the sleepiness go away, she walked out of her room and down the stairs. She opened the supply closest and opened the bag of dog food so that she could feed Aslan.
"Mae, what do you want to eat?" Max called out to her daughter who was probably in the living room playing.
"Waffles, Mom!" The little girl replied back.
Max took the eggo waffles out of the freezer and out them in the toaster, spinning the dial to three. She walked back to the refrigerator and grabbed the almond milk and poured some into a sippy cup, "Maeve! Come get settled at the table please!"
The older women heard small feet slapping against the hard wood floor and then the chair moving against the floor, she walked over to Maeve made made sure she was actually sitting on her butt so that she wouldn't fall off the chair, she walked away once she heard the waffles pop up, so she grabbed a small plate putting the waffles on it and then cut it up to small pieces.
"Here you go sweetheart" Max said setting the plate and sippy cup in front of the girl, "Okay, Mommy's going to do some laundry real quick, I want that all gone by the time I'm done"
Max watched her daughter nod her head then turned to walk down the stairs to the basement, she grabbed the clothes that were in the dryer and put them in a basket, then she grabbed the wet clothes and throw them into the dryer, after that she grabbed the dirty clothes that were thrown down the laundry shoot and put it in the washer. She grabbed the clean clothes basket and walked up the stairs as she reached the top she noticed Callie sneaking in the front door.
"Uh... Where did you even go?" Max asked her friend with a confused looked, she didn't even hear her leave.
"Oh, you know, just across the street" Callie replied back with a nervous giggle.