𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨4

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*Y/n POV*

I was laughing with the boys and we all got closer intill they had to go.

Ale:Alright well I got to go

The rest of the boys:Yea we all do

Y/n:That"s ok I get it,well it was nice meeting you guys.

Alvaro:It was nice meeting you too.

We all got up and hugged eachother one by one and they left.So it was only me and Mattia.I was sitting on the chair he had in his room and he sat on his bed.

Mattia:The boys really like you

Y/n:I like them too,they seem chill and cool.

Mattia:Yea they are.

Then we just look at eachother.

M/m:Hey you guys ok?

Y/n:Mhm? Oh yea I was just leaving to unpack.


And I left. I wonder if Mattia"s mom didn"t come in what would we be doing. Still looking at eachother? We could of kis- WAIT! HE IS MY STEP BROTHER! I can"t think like that. I got in my room and just started to unpack and decorated it too.

*Few Hours Later*

It was now 5:47 pm and I was finally finshed with my room.

Dad:Gian!Mattia!Y/n come eat!

He yelled out from downstairs.


And I went out of my room and also saw Mattia.We both went downstairs and went to the dining room table to eat. My dad was at one side of the table,Mattia"s mom on the other, Gian across from Mattia and I.

The food was already on the table so we all started to eat.

Dad:Mattia,Gian do you guys like the house so far?

Gian:Yes its amazing its so big and there is so many things you can do!

And my dad and his mom laughed.


Mattia:Its cool I like it finally getting out the basement.

And I chuckled.

We all made small talk and ate dinner.

We were finally done with dinner and I helped Maria (step mom) to put the dishes away.

M/m:Thank you sweetie

Y/n:No promblem I"m glad I can help.

And I went upstairs. I go in my room,grab my towel and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I was done I had the towel around my body and walked back to my room. I closed me door,dried myself, and changed into some pj"s.

 I closed me door,dried myself, and changed into some pj"s

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Pj"s ^

Then I turned on the TV but then I heard a knock. (It was already 1 am and everyone is asleep)

Y/n:Come in

Then I see my door open to see Mattia

Y/n:Oh hey is everything ok?

Mattia:Uhh yea I was just bored so I was wondering if I can watch a movie with you.

I moved over so he can sit next me.

Y/n:What movie?

Mattia:I don"t care.

And I put on Umbrella Academy. After a few episodes we were still up.

Y/n:Hey I"m going to get some water want anything?

Mattia:Water fine.

And I got up and walked to the kitchen.

*Mattia POV*

I see y/n pj"s and bro they are red with some booty shorts and a crop top. Not gonna like that kinda turned me on-WAIT I JUST SAID-I can"t think like that since she is my step sister AND I have an girlfriend. SHIT.Then I heard footsteps coming up.

*Y/n POV*

I come back upstairs with 2 big glass of waters. I went in my room and gave one to Mattia.


Mattia:Thank you

We started to drink some of our water but then our eyes meet. We both put our waters down breaking the eye but then they reconnect.I feel myself and Mattia leaning in. Then our lips connected. We moved in sync then he got on top of me with breaking the kiss.He tried to put his tongue in my mouth but I denied it. He grabbed my ass and it made me moan so he used that chance to put his tongue in me. He moved down to my neck and found one of my sweet spots. He made a hickey on it. This felt so good but also bad so I stoped.

Y/n:We can"t do this

And I pushed him off.


Y/n:We are step siblings

Then he sat up right and I did too.

Mattia:Not really in 4 months they are gonna get married then we will be step siblings but right now we are not.

He was not wrong about that.

Y/n:What happens if we get caught doing this?

Mattia:We won"t I promise

And he kissed me again and layed me back down but then I remembered.

Y/n:Wait what about your girlfriend.

Mattia:I will break up with her

And he kissed me again.

I just gave in and I tugged on his shirt as an sign that to take if off and he did. He broke the kiss to take off my shirt then he started to kiss me neck and attack my sweet spots on my neck.


Mattia:Quiet mamas we don"t want no one to know.

Then he started to go down to one of my boobs and start kissing and licking it while massaging the other. I let out quite moans as he travels more down to my shorts. He looks up at me for permission and I nodded my head yes.

He takes of my shorts with my underwear and he started to rub my folds. I was moaning a bit louder.

Mattia:Shh your gonna get us caught

Then out of no where he put his tongue in me. He kept flicking it and to add more pleasure he added 2 fingers in me. At first he went a slow pace.


Then he granted my wish and went faster. I was almost a moaning mess that he had to cover my mouth.

Y/n:I"m cummmmm

I muffled to his mouth.

Then he removed his fingers. I was sad that I lost his touch.

Mattia:I want you to cum on my dick.

Then he pulled his pants and boxers down and came back to me. I see he had a boner. He pressed the tip against my folds.

Y/n:Don"t t-tease m-e

Mattia:As you wish

And he slowly put himself in me. I moaned feeling him inside of me. He went on a slowly pace so I can adjust to his size.


Mattia:Faster what?


Then he slapped my ass.

Mattia:Words mamas

Y/n: f-faster da-ddyyyyy

He then went faster and deeper and now hitting my g-spot.

Mattia:You are tight, I love it

Y/n:Right th-ere keep goingggggg

I was a moaning mess by this time.

Mattia:Shhh don"t get us caught

And he put his hand over my mouth and went in deeper. I grabbed on his back and hold on to him tight from all of the pleasure he is giving me. Then we went down to my neck with his hand still covering my mouth.

Mattia:You like daddy"s dick don"t you?You like it when I attack your g-spot don"t you?

He wants saying all of these dirty stuff that made me moan louder.

I clenched my walls around his dick as an signal I"m almost to my climax.

Mattia:Fuck do that again

I clenched my walls a few more times and he moaned while I was doing it.

Y/n:I"m cummmmm

Then I came

Mattia:Are you on the pill?

And I nodded yes so he came in me and he made us ride our high out.

He cleaned us up and ploted next to me.

Mattia:If you want I could be here for a few hours,then I have to go so we won"t get caught?

Y/n:Uhh yea thats fine.

And with those few hours we were talking and getting to know about eachother a little more.

*4:30 am*

Mattia:Shit I got to go its 4:30 and your dad wakes up at 5 for work.

Y/n:That"s ok

He gets up and changes to his clothes and I also get up and change.

Mattia:I had a good time.

Y/n:The s.εメ or the talk?


And I smiled knowing he is not using me.

Mattia:Also school starts tomorrow.

And I nodded softly,he came up to me and gave me a peck then left.

Since I wasn"t tired anymore I decided to go take a shower,changed to some comfy clothes and went downstairs to see mt dad eating breakfast.

Dad:Hey what are you doing up so early?

Y/n:Oh I thought it well be good to wake up early so I can do more things in one day.

Dad:Oh well I got to go love you.

Y/n:Love you too

And he left and I ate breakfast while watching some TV

Sorry for ant spelling errors, I'm just to lazy to go back and fix any. 

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now