𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨5

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*Y/n POV*

Outfit^*10 am*I hear someone going down the stairs and I look up to see Mattia but then I quickly back to the TV

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*10 am*

I hear someone going down the stairs and I look up to see Mattia but then I quickly back to the TV.

Mattia:Hey what are you doing up so early?

He said walking to the couch.

Y/n:I couldn"t sleep. What about you?

Mattia:Me too

And then he looked at the TV.

He came and sit next to me putting his hand on my thigh.He started to move his thumb in circles. I didn"t really mind so I put my head on his shoulder and he put his hand on top of my.

Mattia:Also my girlfriend Maya she"s coming later.


And I got up,grabbed my bowel and went to the kitchen to clean it and to get away from Mattia.

*Mattia POV*

Y/n got up,grabbed her bowel and left. I was so confused. Is it because I said "girlfriend"

*Y/n POV*

I go to the sink and see a little bit of dishes so I started to the dishes.

Mattia:You ok?

Y/n:Uh y-yea why?

And I turn around to see him leaning on the island table. Then I turned back around.

Mattia:No you are not talk to me.

Y/n:No I"m fine.

Then I feel two arms snake around my waist and he put his head on my shoulder.

Mattia:I will break up with her.

Y/n:And when is that today? Tomorrow? In the next 4 months? Next year?

And he stayed quiet.

Y/n:If last night didn"t mean anything to you then it shouldn"t mean something to me either.

And I pushed his hands off of my waist and put all the dishes away while he just standed there and look stupid.


Mattia:Look last night did mean something to me.

Y/n:Then show it Mattia

And I left to go in my room.

*Mattia POV*

She just called me Mattia. I know by now when she is mad at me she calls me Mattia or Polibio and I don"t like it when she calls me by that. I decided to be the bigger person and go to her room.

*Y/n POV*

I was sitting in my room crying a little bit. He said last night meant something to him but he still doesn"t know when he is gonna break up with her. Ughhh boys are soooo confusing. I decided to text Kairi because I trust him a bit more then the others.



Hey you up?


Yea you ok?


Kinda I just need to talk to someone

Then I heard a knock so I wiped my tears fast.

Y/n:Come in

Then Mattia came in,closed the door and sat on the corner of my bed.

Mattia:Look I like you, I like you A LOT and I know you are mad at me but I will break up with her.

Y/n:Look I-

Then I got a ding and I look at my phone and Kairi texted me the address to his house so we can talk.

Mattia:Who is that?

Y/n:No one

Then Mattia grabbed my phone and looked.

Mattia:Kairi? Why are you texting him and why did he send his address?!

Y/n:Look I want to talk to him since your girlfriend is gonna be here.

Mattia:Y/n stop I will do it.


I said putting my shoes on and almost leaving my room but this big dino ass grabbed me wrist and made me turn around.Then he put his lips on mine.I kissed back,he out his hands on my wasit and he pulled me closer.Then I put my hand on his cheek.

After a few minutes we pulled away.

Mattia:I do like you.

Y/n:I like you too

Mattia:Well you be mine but no one knows?

Y/n:*Laughed* Yes

And he kissed me again.

Mattia:You *kiss* think *kiss* we *kiss* are *kiss* going *kiss* too *kiss* fast *kiss*?

Y/n:Maybe *kiss* a *kiss* little *kiss*

And we both smiled.

Y/n:I got to go I don"t want to leave Kairi hanging.

Mattia:Fine don"t do anything to him.


Mattia:I swear if you do I"m punish you.

Y/n:Mhm ok bye


And he went to his room and I went downstairs.

M/m:Hey y/n

Y/n:Oh hey I"m going to a friends house I would be home before dinner.

M/m:Already making friends? Mhm ok bye stay safe. Also your car is not here yet take Mattia"s.

Y/n:OK bye.

And I grabbed Mattia"s key and left to Kairis house.

*Kairi"s House*

I get out of the car and walk up to his door. Ngl his house is also big. At least bigger then I thought it was. I knocked on his door. Then I heard footsteps.



And he moves out the way so I can get in his house.

Kai:So house tour first?


And he showed me his house. Then we went to his room.

Kai:What do you want to talk about?

Y/n:Uhh honstly I forgot but we can hang.

Kai:ohh I"m good at that not giving advice well kinda.

And I laughed.



And we both went downstairs.

Kai:Hey mom I"m going to the mall with y/n!

K/m:OK stay safe!

And we left.

We got in the car and he started to drive.


He passed me the aux.Then I started to play Mood Swings by Pop Smoke. We were vibing.

Kai:Shorty a lil" baddie shorty a lil" boo thing.

Y/n:And Shorty got the fatty shorty be catching mood swings.

And he started to laugh. We jammed out some more intill we got to the mall.

Kai:So what do you want to do now?

Y/n:Lets just mess around and eat.

Kai:Sounds like a plan.

Kairi and I had the best time of our life and now in the food court.

Y/n:Thanks Kairi I needed this. With this moving,new adjustment,have a new family.

Kai:Yea of course if you need anything I will be here.

And we started to eat.

*4 pm*

Y/n:Oh shoot I got to go.

Kai:If you want I can drop you off.

Y/n:Oh no I brought Mattia"s car so its fine.

And we drove back to Kairi house and then I got in the car.

You already know sorry for any spelling errors and I was grounded for 3 days so that"s why I didn"t post.Also, i am going to be with friends alot since its summer so i might not be updating alot. sorry 

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now