𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨 25

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*Y/n POV school skip to Friday*

It"s first period, and you know how I sit with Mattia? Well, um..Things are kinda awkward,I tried to make conversations with him but nothing work.

Teacher:Ok class you have a quiz, you will have the whole period to do,there is 15 questions,some questions are going to worth more than others.I wish you goodluck.You may start.

Alright first period is social studies, on Wednesday is when I finshed the poster and Ale,Roushan,Mattia and I got a 95 on it.So we will get 10 extra points on this quiz or test or whatever it is.

*An hour later*

The total class time is an hour and 30 minutes.

I looked around to see everyone finshed,even Mattia,and I see the teacher starts grading our papers.

After she was done she called our names and let us see our grades.


I walked up and after the girl that was infront of has left I looked at my grade.

I look to see I have a 96,so I originally got an 86.Thats not that bad.


He went up and I see the teacher whispering in his ear.Is that a good thing or a bad thing? He looks at his paper than walked back to his desk.

Y/n:What did you get

I whispered.


Y/n:With the 10 points?

Mattia: y-yes.

I rubbed his back.I pulled him in a hug and let his head on my shoulder.

Mattia:I miss us.

He whispered

Mattia:I miss you.

I felt a tear escaped my eye.

Mattia:I punched a hole in the wall,I started to vape.Please give us one more chance.

He said looking up at me while I play with his hair.

I shaked my head "no"

Mattia:Please,I love you so much, even seeing you with Kairi or anyone else it makes my chest tighten,my heart feels sick,I just want to punch their face,and tell the whole world you are mine.


I whispered back.

Y/n:We can"t, I like Kairi and I don"t want him to get hurt because I"m with you and I don"t want you to be look weird because I am going to be your step sister Mattia.I love you too but we have to stop,plus our parents wouldn"t be happy if they found out.

I said wiping my tear.

Mattia:Please y/n.

Y/n:Mira Mattia, no podemos, aunque te quiero tanto, no podemos. Lo siento.

(Look Mattia, we can"t, even though I love you so much,we can"t I"m sorry.)

Mattia:Bien, pero si peleo con alguien porque está contigo no te enojes hermosa.

(Fine, but if I fight someone because they are with you don"t get mad beautiful)

I let go of him while we both wiped our tears.


As I"m watching "Twilight" I found out how stupid Bella is.Bella is so stupid,going for a pale,cold vampire face over a warm,tan,hot,wolf face thats actually cute.smh.

Than I heard my phone ring.

It"s Dad.

I smiled and I picked up the phone and showed my face.

Dad:Hey beautiful,sorry that I haven"t been calling,how are you?

Y/n:Your fine,you have to work,but I"m doing good,what about you?

Dad:A little stress.

Y/n:I"m sorry,when are you coming home,I already miss you.

Dad:About that-we are going to the airport right now because I quit my job.

I was going to say something but he kept going.

Dad:I know what you are thinking,why did you quit? It"s because I feel like I haven"t spent a lot of time with you and I want to,but you know work,you being famous,now having a new family,I want to have daughter and fathers day.

He usually don"t do this.He wants to have a daughter and fathers day?

I smiled already getting excited.

Y/n:Ok,are you coming home tomorrow?


Y/n:Do you need someone to pick you up?And Maria? (Step mom)

He nodded his head.

Dad:Also update on your car, its also coming tomorrow,around 2-4 pm.

Y/n:Yayyy!And what time are you guys landing?

Dad:7,so you can use your car.

Y/n:Even more excited.

We both chuckled.

Dad:I got to go they are about to bord our flight.

Y/n:Ok,bye dad,tell Maria I said "hi"

Dad:I will,stay safe,love you.

Y/n:Love you too.

He hanged up the phone and I put all of my attention on the TV.

Than I realized I still had my school clothes on.I got up and changed into some comfy nike pro shorts and a nice big shirt that makes it looks like I have no shorts under.

I go back into bed and continue to watch my movie.

*knock kncok*

Y/n:Come in!

The door open to reveal Kairi,but he looked so cute,soft,and adorable. Trust me he is already a cutie,hottie,and adorable but when he came he looks soft.

Y/n:Oh hey Kai

Kairi:Hey babe.

I moved over to the left so I Kairi can also lay down.

He comes over and starts cuddling me.

Kairi:I came to pick you up so you can sleepover.

The security didn"t find anyone in the house,not even the needle.Like Kairi is so clean,it was like no one was there.I told my security to stay at Kairi"s house so they be safe and nothing bad happens.

Y/n:My car is coming tomorrow,and my dad with Mattia"s mom.

Kairi:Mhm,thats fine with me,as long you are with me than I"m fine.

He said digging his head to my neck.

Kairi:What times is it?


I said grabbing my phone.

Y/n:3:33 pm

Kairi:We have an other hour,let"s go to sleep.

He says looking up to me.

I nodded my head,turn off the TV,and cuddle with Kairi again.

Kairi:You"re so beautiful

Y/n:Thank you,you"re handsome.

We whispered to eachother.

Kairi kissed my neck and kept his head on my neck.Than after a minute,we both fell asleep.

Hi guys,I"m going to be more busy,also maybe making another story,should I?

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now