𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨10

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*Y/n POV*

Y/n:uhh Miss?


Y/n:We share an account right?


And I nodded.

Teacher:You can use whatever social media you want.

And she sat on her desk so we can plan some stuff.

Kairi:Ok well wanna use tiktok?

Y/n:Uhh sure

Kairi:Alright what should be the username?

Y/n:Y/n is the best

Kairi:More like Kairi but ok

And we laughed.

*Mattia POV*

I hear Y/n and Kairi"s laugh and it makes me mad.

Maya:bae? Babe? Hello?

Mattia:Huh? Sorry what are we talking about?

Maya:Whats gotten into you?

Mattia:What do you mean?

Maya:You"ve gotten more distracted

Mattia:Sorry uhh this project uhh mines or yours?


And her and I created a plan.

*End of School*

We were in the parking lot

Mattia:Hey Kairi, Ale wanna hang for a but at my house?

Kairi:No thanks I"m gonna hangout with y/n

What the he-

Mattia:Whatever Ale?


Maya:What about our project?

Mattia:Let"s start tomorrow

Maya:Uhh fine

And she left

Y/n:Hey I"m here

Kairi:Oh hey looks go mines or yours?


Mattia:What do you mean mines and yours?

Kairi:house anyways Y/n let"s go

And they left

Ale:You ok?

Mattia:Yea, I guess since she is gonna be soon to be step sister I"m already protective I guess?


Mattia:Yea lets go

And we got in my car and went to my house.

*Y/n POV*

We finally made it to Kairi"s house and I walk in to see a little girl on the couch.

Kairi:Hey guys I"m home!

K/m:Hey Kairi

She said coming from the livingroom

K/m:Oh and y/n its good to see you again.

Y/n:Its good to see you too

And we hugged then the little girl came.

Maiya:Is this your girlfriend?

Kairi:No this is y/n

Maiya:The Y/N!?!

Y/n:Guessing you know me from tiktok?

Maiya:Yess omg can I get a picture?

Y/n:Of course

And she passed her phone to kairi and we took a few pictures.

Maiya:Thank you also my name is Maiya sorry

Y/n:Its ok and you already know me.

Kairi:Yea yea we have to do our project

Y/n:gotta ruin the fun huh? If you want Maiya you can hang out with us later.

Maiya:Sounds like a plan

And Kairi and I went to his room.

Kairi:Ok but for real what should the username be?

Y/n:uhh y/n.cosentio?

Kairi:Alright and password?

Y/n:*********** (just think of one)

Kairi:Alright lets take a picture for our profile.

We took one and he started to put it on.While he was doing that I added another account,sign in and everything and just follow myself and kairi.

Y/n:To make it fair we are gonna start from scratch and see what goes on from there?

Kairi:Fair enough

Y/n:Alright lets post some tiktoks

We did some tiktoks on his phone but we mostly put them in draft and just posted two tiktoks.

After the two tiktoks it was already like 5:24 pm.

Y/n:I"m hang with your sister now

Kairi:How long I need my buddy? 🥺

Y/n:Just 15 minutes and after I have to go home.

Kairi:Fine but I"m coming with you

And we bith walked to Maiya room.

Y/n:heyy I"m here

Maiya:Oh hey I thought you left

Y/n:Oh no I"m not like those people who say shit oh sorry-

Maiya:Its ok Kairi cruss 25/8

Kairi:No the fuck I don"t



Y/n:Back to was I saying before I got interrupted by olaf of here.

Maiya laughed at my joke.

Kairi:Oh yea wanna see what olaf can do?

And he tickled me.

Y/n:Noo *laughes* STOPP *laughes* Maiya help meeee

I couldn"t stop laughing.

Maiya:No I"m fine, I"m just record

And Kairi just came ontop of me and still tickled me while Maiya was also laughing and also recording us.

*4 minutes later*

Kairi:Who is Oalf now huh?

Y/n:Still you Mr.Tuff guy

Kairi:Your lucky I"m tired

And we just sat back up on Maiya bed.

Maiya:I ship you guys

*Maiya POV*

After I said that both of them were blushing pretty hard and looking away. So they do like eachother. Look I maybe 12 but I can see who likes who by the way the act around them or the way they look at them.

Y/n:Anyways I should get going

Kairi:Really now?


And y/n and I laughed

Kairi:Can you sleep over?

Y/n:ughh fine just take me home so I can get some clothes.


And we went downstairs.

Kairi:Hey mom is it fine Y/n sleepover?


Kairi:Ok we are gonna go to her house to get her some clothes.

K/m:Ok and can you also get us Wendy"s?

Kairi:Yes sure be right bavk bye


And we left. We got in the car with the radio on a bit.

Kairi:Looks like my sister and my mom likes you a lot

Y/n:Thats good their pretty cool too and Maiya I would love to get closer to her.

Kairi:No you don"t

Y/n:Look I know siblings always fight and say "oh i hate you" or "oh I don"t love you" but you guys are wrong. One day your gonna move out, go to college,gonna miss Maiya then you find or found the love of your life, you guys get married,have kids then you realized "dam I really miss my sister,I love her so much".

Kairi:Your right I do love her and I protect her at all cost, I just want her to know I also there for her.

Y/n:See look at you, you do love your sister.

And he chuckled

Kairi:I know

And we finally got to my house.

Y/n:Wait for me here

And he nodded.

I went inside to see no one home until I heard yelling from upstairs. Mattia. I went upstairs passed Mattia"s room and went to mines.

Mattia:Ahh bro I"m log out real quick

Then i heard footsteps coming to my room while I was getting my stuff together.

Mattia:*clears its throat*

Y/n:Yes Mattia?

Mattia:What are you doing?



Y/n: a sleepover


Y/n:You know you ask a lot questions.

I said turning my back to him so I can pick out some clothes.

Mattia:Look just tell me


Mattia:kairi?What the fuck y/n

Y/n:What do you mean "What the fuck y/n" You still dating Maya and I like you and I don"t know if you like me anymore. The only reason I want you to break up with Maya so I don"t feel like a side hoe!

I said facing back to him.

Mattia:I like you too, I don"t know why I haven"t broke up with her yet but you will never be a side hoe!

Y/n:Then show it!

Then he kisses me.It was rough but sweet. Hs puts his hands on my waist while I rested my arms around his neck.He pulled me closer. He kept trying to put his tounge in me but I kept denying it but he put his hand down to my ass and gave it a hard squeeze.My mouthed opend by suprised how hard it was and he took that advantage to put his tounge in but I pulled away.


Y/n:I can"t leave Kairi hanging.



I started walking around my room to get last minute stuff while Mattia was sitting on my bed looking at me.

Y/n:Alright I got to go, also where is Maria and Dad?

Mattia:business trip for one month

Y/n:One month?That"s a lot


And he smirked

Y/n:Anyways byeee


And he pecked my lips


And i grabbed my stuff and went back into Kairi"s car.

Hey I"m back,

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now