𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨26

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*Y/n POV*

I flutter my eyes open and still see Kairi is sleeping but with his head against my stomach.So cute.

I get my phone and started to take pictures.After a while I started to look at the time.

5:46 pm

"Shit" I thought.


I said shaking him.


I started to kiss all over his face.

Y/n:Babe, wake up its 5:47.


He said all tired

Y/n:We have to go now.

Kairi rub his eyes and looks up to me.He kisses my lips and of course I kiss back.I pulled away after a minute.Kairi whines.

Y/n:We have to go and hang out with Maiya,and we would have a sleepover,remember?

Kairi:Ugh alright, let"s go.

We both got up,I decided not to change from my pj"s,and put my shoes on.Kairi puts his shoes on while I grabbed a bag and stuffed it with 2 days worth of clothes. I decided to wear a pair of shoes that will match with every outfit so I just picked my white air forces.

I picked up some last few things I needed.

Y/n:Ready babe?


And he yawns.

Y/n:Come on,let me go get you a red bull.


I grabbed his hand and lead him downstairs.I grabbed his car keys from his hand,than walk out the door.I made sure the door is close and lock, then went to Kairis car.

Kairi:Nooo,I"m drivingggg

Y/n:No,you are still tired.

Kairi:Ok, fine

I get to the driver side and Kairi went to the passenger side.I start the car and turn on the radio softly.As I am driving I hear soft snores.I look at him really quick and see him asleep.I hope he"s ok.

I park infront of the gas station,left the car on,ran inside,grabbed a large regular flavor red bull,payed.

Work:Hey are you y/n y/l/n?

Y/n:Yea,I"m guessing you know me from tiktok?

Work:Yea,and is it true you are actually dating that Kairi kid?

Y/n:Yea I am.

Work:Mhm, ok have a nice day.

Bitch- wanna fight because I went for a flavor guy instead of your unflavored ass?

I grabbed my red bull and run back in the car.As I open the door I see Kairi awake.

Kairi:I saw that guy talking to you,what was that about?

Y/n:He is fan thats jealous I"m dating the best guy of the world.

He chuckles.


I hand him his red bull.

Kairi:Why do big?

Y/n:Because we are sharing.

I start the car and start driving to Kairis house.Kairi takes some sips here and there and I start to see he is starting to regain his energy.

*Kairi"s house*

Kairi opens the door for me and we both walk in.

Kairi:I"m home!

K/m:Hi Kairi,hi y/n

Y/n:Hi Mrs.Cosentino

Than I heard someone running down the staris.Maiya,my favorite sister.


She runs up and hugs me.Of course I hug back.

Y/n:Hey Maiya, so the plan is we get our nails done tomorrow with my personal nail tech,than we can go to the mall.On Sunday we can just hang.

Kairi:Hi to you too Maiya.

Maiya:Sorry Kai,hi,and you have your only personal mail artist? Thats cool and that sounds like a plan.I"m sad you are going to have to work.

Y/n:I know me too.But these stuff comes with being an influencer and you don"t want to miss all the big opportunities these people give you.

Maiya:Of course.You guys like red bull?

K/m:I used to drink some when I was Kairi"s age but I stop since it is also bad for you.

Y/n:Yea I do, but I mostly use it to gain some energy so I drink it a lot but try to stop.

Kairi:Something goes here.

He says as he takes a sip.

K/m:Well you kids have fun, I"m going to cook later.

She leaves the room and goes to the living room finshing up some laundry. Well thats what it looks like.

Kairi:Alright let"s go.

Kairi grab my hand and takes me to his room while his sister follows behind us.

Kairi:Can we sleep again?

He says as we enter his room.

Y/n:No we have to hangout with your sister.

Maiya:You guys don"t have to,one of my friends are coming over.

Y/n:Oh ok, than I guess we can cuddle the rest of the day.


He puts the red bull down and comes pick me up to lay me down on his bed.

Maiya:Cute, but i have to go.My friend should be here any minute.

Y/n:ok,have fun.


And she lefts.

Kairi:So what movie should we watch?

Y/n: I think we should watch whatever you wanna watch.

Kairi:So Orange is the New Black?

Y/n:Sure? Never watched it.

Kairi:Well it"s a show but it"s really cool.

He turns the T.V. on and puts the cover over us.He puts the show up and I put my head the crook of his neck,my arms around his waist because I already know I will fall asleep. I was aboutly right because after 5 minutes I fell asleep.

I wake up and noticed Kairi wasn"t next to me anymore.


Nothing.I get up and right when I was going to grab the door nob I felt something hurting me in my back but it stings.Really bad.

I fall and see Kairi.


I noticed I got a knife on my back and there is a big blood puddle around me.


Kairi:You are a worthless piece of slut.You should kill yourselve for sleeping with your step brother Mattia,my bestfriend that I known him since middle school but you slept with him less than 24 hours when you met him.What a slut,thinking you can fool me.

He laughs.I have tears streaming all over my face.


Kairi:No!I"m not done!What were you going to do if we broke up? Huh? Are you going to try Alejandro since he likes you? Is that your plan? You whore.

Than he slaps me in the face.

Kairi:You thought I actually liked you? Your funny.I"ve never like you,I cheated with you already,you are a slut for sleeping with your step brother,such a disappointment.Thats why he left for a month on a business trip.

Y/n:Y-you don"t mea-n tha-t

I said lossing blood.My eyesight started to get blurry and the last words I heard him say is.

Kairi:If I didn"t kill you, I would of forced you to kill yourselve.

⚠️TW END⚠️

Kairi:WAKE UP Y/N!

Y/n:Please don"t hurt me!

I say putting my hands up so I can protect myself.

Kairi:Wait,what happened?

Sorry for the short,boring chapter but I"m making a new book.I"m going to publish it soom,

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now