𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨16

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*Y/n POV*

Y/n:Kairi I got to go,Mattia is waiting for me outside




Y/n:Kairi please,if you don"t let me go then I won"t kiss you the whole day tomorrow.

Kairi:Whattttt that"s now far

Y/n:Life is unfair bubba

Kairi:Uhhhh fine but text me when you get home.ok?

Y/n:Ok,talk to you later

Kairi:Wait one more kiss

I gave him one but he pulled me closer to make the kiss more longer,but I pulled away before anything happens.

Kairi started to pout.

Y/n:I got to go

I grabbed my school bag and the bag I kept my clothes in,and started to say bye

Y/n:Bye Kairi"s mom,bye Maiya


Maiya:Bye see you later this week?


Then she came up and hug me

Y/n:bye babe


And kisses me one more time and let me go.

I ran out the door to Mattia"s car just in case if anything were to happen.

Mattia:Why did it take you so long and why were you running?

Y/n:Kairi and I something happened at the school

Mattia:Tell me

I told him every single detail from the teacher keeping me in the office to Kairi"s house.

Mattia:I"m glad you are ok


Mattia:If you want you can sleep with me so you would be ok?

Y/n:Yea,let me tell my dad

I called my dad while Mattia stayed silent.

Dad:Hey honey you ok

Y/n:Hey umm not really

Then i told the story

Dad:Omg are you ok?

Y/n:Yea I"m with Mattia now

Dad:Where are you guys?

Y/n:In the driveway,about to run in the house

Dad:Ok well stay safe and Mattia took good care of her please

Mattia:I will Mr.y/l/n

Dad:Alright well I got to go bye guys

Mattia and I:Bye

And I hanged up

Mattia and I look at eachother as a signal that we were ready to run inside so we did and now we were safe.

Mattia:You ok?

Y/n:Yea huh you?


Y/n:Well I"m go clean my clothes

Mattia:Ok call me if you need anything


He huged me tightly before I went up to my room and cleaned my clothes.

*Some Time Later*

It"s like around 9:33 pm and I finshed cleaning my clothes,now I was just cleaning my room since it was a bit meds still from moving in here.My back was faced to the door frame,but I got the feeling again.When someone is behind you but you can really make out who it is.(For me I know who is watching me from behind idk)It"s not Mattia pair of eyes,more like like- I can"t explain it but a pair of eyes not mattia"s,or alejandro, kairi, roushan, alvaro, or robert.

So I turned around to see a guy in all black,with some muscles,his hair is brown,and it like a big flop in his hair. I know for sure it"s not Mattia because he doesn"t have the muscles like this guy have.I rubbed my eyes and he is gone.sir what the fuck.So there was a guy leaning on my door frame and when I rubbed my eyes he is gone? This is some scary movie shit and I maybe a influencer but I didn"t get a email about me being in a scary movie.


Then I heard footsteps coming.Mattia footsteps.

Mattia:Yea babe?

Y/n:Stay with me please?


I went to my bed and got in the left side of the bed,and I pated as a signal that I want him to lay down.He came and layed down on the right.My back was to the wall,so Mattia and I was looking at eachother.He put his arm over me and brought me closer.

Mattia:You know I"m still confused,why in the beginning you were like "break up with Maya" and now you are like "stay with her",why?

Y/n:It"s a long story

Mattia:I have the time

Y/n:Well i-i

Mattia:Look if you are not ready I understand.

I sat up while he did the samething.

Y/n:No its ok i will say it.

Mattia stayed quiet and I started.

Y/n:You are like my second boyfriend I had,so my first relationship it was hurtful.In the beginning it was nice but after a few months he was abusive.He would hit me if nothing went the way he wanted,he would make me wear clothes that I"m in uncomfortable in like clothes that were relieving around the house,he would make me lie around my friends,his,his, my dad.After a few months of that he started to cheat.I was called a "hoe" "side chick" and many more.I"m not a hoe,he raped me.He took virginity.

I was already crying at this point and looking down.

Y/n:So when you were with Maya and after that night,I felt that pain again,I was hesitated when you asked me to be yours,but I sais "yes" because I know the really Mattia is a softy for anyone he loves but around his friends he acts so tough.Thats was a bit off topic but yea when I was not taken by Kairi I felt a bit pain and then second guessing everything and I just stayed because everyone is different.

I look up to see Mattia also crying.

Mattia:I-I never knew

Y/n:It"s ok no one did

Mattia:It"s not ok y/n I care about you,you were getting abused..Abused!

Y/n:I know i know but umm he is in the past now.

Mattia grabbed me by my waist and put me on his lap.

Mattia:Thank yoh for giving me a chance.

I nodded my head,and he put our foreheads together.After a few minutes he put our lips together.It was slow,not rough,and full with love.His hands stayed on my waist while mines where in his hair.I know I met this guy 4 days ago but I know so much about him I feel like I"ve known his since forever.Then he pulled us apart and looked in my eyes.

Mattia:I want us to have a stable relationship,and I don"t want to move too fast but I love you.

Y/n:I love you too tia

And we both smiled,but then my smile faded away which makes him do the same.


Y/n:Whag happens if we get caught? Kairi or Maya can come in,or our parents founds out.What are we going to do?And and what happens-

Mattia:Hey hey breathe with me. In *breathe in* out *breathe out* your ok I"m ok everyone is ok.Look I will make sure that dosen"t happens,ok? You trust me?

Y/n:I trust you

Hey guys

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now