𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨11

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*Y/n POV*

Kairi:Hey what took you so long?

Y/n:Oh Mattia was asking me a bunch of questions

Kairi:Oh ready?

Y/n:Yea and remember we have to go to Wendy"s for your mom and sister.

Kairi:Oh yea let"s go.

We played some music,jamming out until we to Wendy"s.

Worker:Hey welcome to Wendy"s what would you like?

Kairi:Hey can I get a number 4?

Worker:Just the buger or the whole meal?

Kairi:The whole meal,nothing to drink.Then can I get a number 7


Kairi:Yes ma"am with a coke

Worker:Ok anything else?

Kairi:Beatiful want anything?

He said while turning his head at me.

Ngl I blushed a little.

Y/n:Uhhh sure let me have(whatever you want)

And he turned back to the speaker and told her what I said and he also order something for himself.


Kairi:Alright thank you

And we pulled uo to the window.

Y/n:Here I will pay my part

Kairi:No its fine I got it

Y/n:Kairi here I don"t want to spend your money

Kairi:Its ok I got it

I just gave up and he handed his card to the worker.

Worker:Cute couple

Kairi:Oh we"re not a couple but thanks

And I look down blushing,again.

The worker gave his card back and there was car"s infront so he put his car in park.

Kairi:So what do you want to talk about?

Y/n:Idk you got an ideas?

Kairi:You know what I"m say it. I like you, we have a lot of things in common and I just like you a lot.

I like him too but Mattia.I then got an idea.

Y/n:I like you too.

Kairi:So would you be mines?


And he holds my hand.

I go on my phone and I needed to text Mattia



Don"t break up with Maya




So it dosen"t look suspicious


And why are you changing your mind right now? Did Kairi asked you out?


Yes and I like him a lot


But your supposed to mines only


But I"m also still yours but in secret because I like you both.Fair game?


Fine, you better not show him whats mines.


Maybe I will



Anyways got to go bye


Fine bye

Then i shut my phone off.

Kairi:Hey you ok?

Y/n:Yea,it was just an old friend

Then we see cars moving so we also moved.The window opended and they passed Kairi the food/drinks and he passed it to me.

Kairi:Thank you

Worker:No promblem have a nice night

Kairi:You too

And we left.

The car ride was silent but it was nice. After a few minutes we finally made it to the house.

Kairi:Wait here for like one sec.

I nodded and he got out,ran to my side,and opended the door for me.

Y/n:oh thank you bubba


Y/n:You don"t like it? I can you-

Kairi:No I love it

And he kissed me.Oml his lips are so soft like I wouldn"t mind kissing him forever,but he pulled away.


Kairi:The food


Kairi:Glad you like my lips tho

And I blushed.

He helped me to get out the car,carried some of the bags,closed the door for me,and opend the front door for me.

Y/n:Such a gentleman

Kairi:Well then my mama raised me right.

And I smiled.

Kairi:Mom were home!

Then we heard someone running down the stairs,then another pair of feet coming from the living room.

Maiya:Hey Y/n, thank you Kairi and y/n

Kairi:ya huh love you

Maiya:Love you too

And she went upstairs to eat her food.

K/m:Thank you Kairi,thank you y/n

Kairi:your welcome

Y/n:No promblem

And she left and went back to the living room.

Kairi:Want to eat in my room or here?

Y/n:I don"t care

Kairi:Ok pick one or two

I gave him a confused look

Kairi:Just pick one

Y/n:Umm ok uhhhh two

Kairi:Then we eat in my room


We got our food and drinks, and went upstairs.

Kairi:So what-


Kairi:uhhh come in

Maiya:wassup I"m bored

And I laughed

Kairi:Well I want to hangout with y/n

Maiya:I also want to hangout with her

Y/n:Its ok to share sometimes Kairi

Kairi:But I want you ALLLLLL to myself

Y/n:Tonight,let your sister hang with us a bit

Kairi:Uhh fine

Maiya:Thanks is it ok if I eat with y"all?

I nodded my head

Maiya:Alright, be right back

Then she left.


Y/n:You love her don"t you?

Kairi:Yes but-

Y/n:If I gave you a kiss will you let her stay?


And I gave him a small kiss

Kairi:I think I need another

And I kisse him again but longer,I really didn"t want to stop because of how soft his lips are but I had to.


Kairi:Thank you

Then Maiya came back.

Maiya:Are you guys dating orrr?


Maiya:I knew it

I giggled

Kairi:Aww your giggle is the cutest

Y/n:Stop *blush*

Maiya:She"s blushing

I got on Kairis lap and went to his neck and hide my face in his neck. He starts rubbing my back.

Kairi:Its ok to blush

He said while rubbing my back.

I backed away


All 3 ate our food, now we are making tiktoks and posting some. On our account that Kairi and I share already have 501k followers and 2.1M likes. Wow. After the tiktoks we talked some more.

*1:30 am *

Maiya:I"m tired,goodnight guys

Y/n&Kairi: Goodnight

And Maiya left.

Kairi:Finally only you and I

And he cuddles with me.


Kairi:Yes for you

And he gave me some kisses on my neck.

Kairi:What do you want to do?

Y/n:Umm idk what do you want to do?

Kairi:I have no clue *laughes*

Y/n:Aww you laugh is adorable

Kairi:Shut up

And he hides his head into my neck.

Y/n:Its ok to blush

I said mocking him and rubbing his back

Kairi:Shut up

And we laugh

Kairi:Want to vape?



Y/n:Does anybody in this house knows you smoke besides me?

Kairi:Nope,now come if you want

Y/n:I"m coming

And we put our shoes on,Kairi had two vape pens so we got those,and went out his window to the roof.We started to vape and I didn"t do a lot because I didn"t want to get high,samething with Kairi.

Hey guys so I"m really busy so i havent been updating often. but thanks for reading! 

Also sorry for any spelling errors.

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now