𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨14

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*Y/n POV*

I was laughing in the inside when Mattia jaw clenched.Here is the thing I really and I really like Kairi but I also like Mattia and I don"t want to break up with Kairi because I caught feelings for my StEp BrOtHer.

Alvaro:And what are those dark circles on your neck?

I quickly put my head In Kairi"s neck and blushed form embarrassment.

Kairi:I promise we didn"t do anything last night

Roushan:Most likely you did but I"m pretend you didn"t

Y/n:We didn"t do it I promise

We all talked,and I needed to get me stuff from my locker so I told Kairi and he said he will meet me there in a bit. I went to my locker and when I opened it I started to hear lound,heavy footsteps.Fucking Mattia.I put the books I need in my book bag and took out somethings I don"t need.

Mattia:So it"s like that huh?

Y/n:It"s like what?

I said still putting things in my bag

Mattia:You and Kairi?

Y/n:What about us?

Mattia:"BrEaK uP wItH mAya"

Y/n:You don"t know my backstory so stop

Mattia:What happens I do want to know

Y/n:Well I can"t now Polibio I have classes to get to.

I closed my locker,zipped my backpack and went back to Kairi.Mattia sooo annoying.He maybe handsome and stuff but God is he annoying.I was finally next Kairi and I hold his hand.

We talked with the group a bit more until the bell ring for first period.

Y/n:Uhh I don"t want to go since I don"t have it with you

Kairi:Its ok 3rd period will come in a snap of a finger,I promise,see you soon

We both exchange kisses and we both parted ways to our classes.I walked in my class and sat in my seat and then I felt someone sitting next to me and it was Mattia.Who else would it to be honest.



Mattia:You ok?

Y/n:Yea,just tired and a little stress

Mattia:If you want after school we can go to the house and watch movies and cuddle?

He whispered

Y/n:Can"t I"m going back to Kairi"s to pick up my stuff I left and I"m sure he wants me to stay there late.

Mattia:Pleaseeeee I missed you.I"m in that big house alone.

Y/n:You know you ask a lot but sure

Then he had a big smile on his face.Such a cutie.We both got our stuff out for class,then the bell ringed again and thats when the teacher finally came in and started to teach.After a few minutes we had to study for an upcoming quiz on Friday (Its Tuesday) so the teacher got quiet and everyone studied.While I was learning my vocabulary I felt a hand on my thigh.I looked to see it"s Mattia"s.He flips his hand over and dose grabbed hands.I"m guessing he wants to hold my hand.I put my sweater over his hand and I connected mines to his.His hand felt so warm and soft.I smiled and we both just kept studying with our hands together on my thigh.

*The bell ringing for 2nd Period*

We all get up,Mattia and I stoped holding hands,packed our stuff then walked out of the classroom with Ale and started to walk to 2nd period.

Y/n:I really don"t want to be here ughh

Ale:I think you just speak for all of us

And we all three laughed.We all talked a little in the classroom and waited for the bell to ring.

*Skip to Lunch*

Kairi and I sat next to eachother while Ale was next to Kairi,Alvaro next to Ale,Robert next Alvaro,Roushan next Robert,Mattia next to Robert,and then Maya next to me.The bitch smells like fish I will say that right now.She keeps pushing me with her elbow.At first it was an accident until she kept doing it over,and over,and over again.

Y/n:The bitch keeps pushing me

I whispered in Kairi"s ear

Kairi:Wanna go somewhere and do something?

Y/n:Can we vist your sister?

Kairi:Let me check the time

He looks at his phone and see"s its 2:00 pm

Kairi:She just started her lunch we can go

Y/n:Good because she also smells like fish

We both giggled and got up

Alvaro:Were you guys going?

Kairi:To see Maiya

They all nodded and we all exchanged "bye"s".Kairi and I left the lunch room,went to our locker to pit somethings we don"t need in there,and then went to the car.

Y/n:Your gonna be the nice brother you are and get her chick fil a

Kairi:But I really don"t want to

Y/n:Then no kisses or hugs or cuddles for the rest of the day


We went to chuck fil a,got her some food,and Kairi and I decided we were gonna share with some chicken nuggets and a large fries since we kinda had lunch.We pulled up the window,gave them our money,they gave us their food and we left heading to Maiya school.

*Maiya School*

We both got down,grabbed the food and drinks,went in the school,checked in,went into the lunchroom and we started to look for Maiya.We looked everywhere until Kairi said he found her.We walked up to her and one of her friends pointed behind her and she looks behind her and had a gasped face.She came up to me and hugged me

Y/n:Hi beautiful

Maiya:Hi y/n I missed you

Y/n:I missed you too


Maiya:uhh you ask sooooo much but yet so little

And went to hug Kairi while laughing

Kairi:Wanna grab a table with only us?

Maiya:Yea,bye guys see you later

She said to her friends,then she lead us to s table.

Kairi:Here we got you food

Maiya:Thank youuuuu

And she grabbed her food and started to eat,then we started to do the samething.

Random kid:I know you"re busy but can I take a picture with you really quick?

Y/n:Sure,here kairi be the camera man

I passed Kairi,the kid phone,I stood next to the kid and smiled while he did the samething.

Random kid:Thank you

Y/n:No promblem

And I sat back down next to Kairi

Maiya:When are you gonna sleepovwr again?

Y/n:This is my only week off.So for the next few months I"m be busy

Kairi:Wait but I wanna be with you 24/7 tho

Y/n:I know me too,I wanna be with you guys too but I start work on Monday and I"m have to do online school.

Maiya:Sleepover this weekend

Y/n:Can"t Mattia says he is bored in that big house and wants me to come back.


Y/n:Idk but he wants me back


𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now