𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨20

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*Y/n POV*

I started to jog to first period because if you are late,you are gonna get detention.I didn"t get detention on my first day because it was my first day.

I finally made it to first period.I walk in and sat at my spot,after a few minutes the bell ranged and the teacher walked in while other students were walking in.

Teacher:Hello class,so you all know you have a quiz on Friday right?


Teacher:What if you do an assignment thats due on Friday and if you get a 80 or higher on the assignment,then I can add 10 points to your quiz.So if you get a 60 but you get I don"t know a 85 on the assignment then you get a 70,or if you got an 100 then you can get 110 if you get a 80 or higher on the assignment.Deal?

We all looked around and we were smiling and saying "yeah"

Teacher:Ok first you need to get in a group of 4,and since I"m nice


Mattia whispered

Teacher:I will let you choose your groups,now pick your group.

Everyone was looking around and these 3 people came up to me.

Random Person:Can us 3 work with you?

They looked like fans,begging and begging if they only wanted me to say their name,but this time with a group.

Alejandro:Actually she is with us.

I turn my head to see Alejandro,Mattia,and Roushan all together and they needed one more.

Ale grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

Y/n:Yea sorry

Random Person:Whatever you whore

The three girl scoffs and walks away.I was gonna walk up to them while putting my hair up but before I even get two steps to them Ale grabbed me again.

Alejandro:Not worth your time

I claimed down a little and drank some water.

Teacher:Everyone have their groups?


Teacher:Ok the assignment is,you have to make a poster about someone you learned this year.

Roushan:That sounds easy

Teacher:On the poster you have to put their background story,what did they do,and put some facts about the person too.You have the rest of the class period to work ok it now get started.

The group and decided to sit next to the window of the classroom because no one was there.

Ale:So who should we do a project on?

Y/n:The one thats have the most information.

Mattia:Why? That"s more work.

Y/n:Because whoever have the most information,then we can put it on the poster,so we get a high grade.You get what I"m saying?

Ale:Yea,the more information the person have,it will be long and as long we put the right stuff then we ahould be good.


Mattia:OK,who should we do then.

I took out my notebook and started to flip over the pages to see if who had the most information.

Roushan:Wow your handwriting is so pretty.

Y/n:Oh thank you.Ok so the most I see in my notebook is Hitler.Wanna write about that?

Ale:Yea I"m fine with that.


I looked at Mattia.


Y/n:Alright well at the top we can but his back story,in the middle what he did,and at then bottom the facts about him.

Ale:Sounds like a plan.

Y/n:Alright write down somethings that you think that should go on the poster.

Mattia:Why should we listen to you?

Did this mother-

Ale&Roushan:Because she is smart.


And we all started to write down some things for the text book.

*After 45 minutes later*

The bell ringed for the next class.

Y/n:Alright let me see your papers and I will put it together.

Them 3 gave me the paperwork.

Ale:I can help you to put it together if you want?

Y/n:Yea,come after school

And we left for 2nd period.

*Skip to 3rd*

Teacher:Welcome class,so you all know the social media project,correct?


And Kairi and I looked at eachother because we forgot.

Teacher:Well it"s due this Friday and it"s only Wednesday so you have 2 more days,now get to it.

Then Kairi walked over to me.

Kairi:You also forgot?

Y/n:Yea,let"s look at the account.

I pulled out my phone and Kairi sat next to me,pulling his chair to me.

I switched the account and see we have 456.7k followers,1.6 million likes between the two video we posted.

Kairi:Thats not that bad to be honest.

Y/n:Yea,let"s make some more.

We made some more,being cute and saying we are a couple.

Teacher:Wait Kairi and Y/n are you guys a couple?

Kairi and I looked at eachother.


Teacher:If you want I can have you guys sit next to eachother.

Kairi:I will love that

He said hugging me.

Teacher:Ok you guys are gonna sit where Kairi sitting right now,at the back and Maya your gonna sit next to Mattia,where Y/n used to sit.

Mattia should be happy since Maya his fishy girlfriend would sit next to her.

Kairi and I grabbed our stuff and went to his old seat and Maya grabbed her stuff and moved were I used to sit,next to Mattia,and surprisingly he haven"t talked to me since 2nd period started.

Kairi:So we are gonna vist Maiya?



Y/n:And we are going to do it everyday.



Kairi:And I don"t get anything in return?


said popping out the p.

Kairi:What about you be my date on Saturday night at a party?

Y/n:mhmm maybe

Kairi:I like this class


Kairi:It have you in it.

Y/n:Really and what about Mattia and Roushan?

Kairi:Them too

We both laughed.

*The Bell Ringing*

Y/n:Yay! Maiya time!

Kairi laughed.

Kairi:Did you bring your lunch today?

Y/n:Yes, so I need to go to my locker.

Kairi:And I"m going to go with you.

We both smiled and walked to my locker.I opend my locker and put my books away and grabbed my lunch.Kairi saw my vape pen so he took it and put it in his pocket.

Y/n:Did you bring your boy perfume.

(A/n:I forgot how to spell it )

Kairi:yea I did,eyedrops?


Kairi:OK let"s go.

We both walked to the lunch room so we can tell the boys where we were going.Kairi and I walked in and saw the boys sitting at a table.We walked over where they were and sat with them.






They said in sync.

Mattia:What"s that in your pocket?

Kairi:Why you wanna know.

Mattia:Are you vaping again?

Kairi:Don"t act like you never vaped after girls breaking your heart.Plus,I can control it,I do it here and there.

Mattia:Whatever,just trying to look out for you.


He said slapping his hands on the table

Y/n:Hey,hey,hey,babe chill

Kairi:Nah he wants to say false information.

Mattia:What do you mean false information?You think I don"t care about you! I am the close to you out of the whole friend group!

Y/n:Let"s go Maiya is waiting.


And we both left.We both walked to the car in silence,but the silence like he wanted to say something.


Kairi:Back was bullshit,like he actually fucking cares about me.I was there when he got his heart broke,and I would see him vaping,and he usually gets heart broken every single day because of Maya,but eversince you got here he have been ok,but he used to vape 25/8 just for fun or breakups ,but I"m over here doing perfectly,can control it while he just sitting there acting like he never vaped either for fun or for breakups.When I was broke everyone came except him bevause he was busy fucking Maya.

By the time he was done talking we were walking to Maiya.

Y/n:Look it"s ok,you have me now,let"s have lunch with Maiya.

He nodded and we were already behind Maiya.

Y/n:Hey Maiya

She turns around and hugs us.

Maiya:Hi guys!


Y/n:Hey beautiful

She grabbed her lunch and we found a table thats empty.We sat and started to eat and Kairi and I shared since he dosen"t have a lunch.

Y/n:So Maiya we are gonna vist you everyday this week until next week since I have work.

Maiya:I like that.

Y/n:And if I have time from work I will vist you.

Maiya:Ok,you ok Kai?

Kairi:Huh? Oh yea,why?

Maiya:Because you have a stain on your shirt.

Kairi and I look at his shirt to see a ketchup stain from the other half of my buger.We both laughed and he garbbed a napkin and started to wipe most of it off.

Maiya:OK but for real,whats wrong?


Maiya:It"s bothering you a lot, what happened,or I"m asking y/n?

Kairi:Mattia and I got in a fight

Maiya:For what?

Then Kairi looked at me.


Maiya:It have to be something,if its bothering you this much Kairi,you can tell me anything.

Kairi:Not this Maiya,not this.

We were all quiet and just eating.

Y/n:So Maiya I have somethings we can do this weekend.

Maiya:Ohhh what?

Y/n:We can get out nails done and after that we can go to the mall,if Kairi wants to join then he can come too.

Kairi:I"m coming,no matter how girly its going to get.



Y/n:Alright well Kairi is also coming.


Y/n:So after school on Friday I will coming over do some stuff then on Saturday thats when we will get our nails done and go to the mall,then on Sunday we can just hang out.

Kairi:Wait so your going to sleepover the whole week?


Maiya:I"m excited

*The bell rings*

Maiya:Its time for me to go,but see you guys tomorrow?


Maiya:Alright,bye Y/n,bye Kairi


We waved at eachother and she left the lunchroom while we left the school going to our car.

Kairi:Can we skip the rest of the day?

Y/n:Yea,but let"s get our stuff from the school.

Kairi and I got in the car,put our seat belts on,and drove back to the school.


Everyone was coming back from lunch and grabbing their stuff for their last three classes.Kairi and I walked to my locker first and I grabbed my stuff then we went to Kairi"s locker and he grabbed his stuff..


Kairi and I both turn around to see Ale running to us.



Ale:Where are you guys going?

Kairi:We are skipping.

Ale:Oh,also y/n I can"t come over and help you,I have to babysit my brother,this was last minute,I"m sorry.

Y/n:Oh it"s ok

Ale:Alright well I got to go to class so bye guys.


Words:1,825 almost 2,000.The most I ever did.I will most likely not post a chapter later this week but maybe the middls of next week or towards the end of next week I will post again.Sorry for any spelling errors.Love ever single one of you and you are perfect the way you are love ❤.

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now