𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨29

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*Y/n POV*

Kairi:you went really fast babe

Y/n:I know but I was safe doing it

Kairi:As long you were safe than I am happy.

He kissed my cheek.

I blush and decide to call my nail artist.

*Kairi"s POV*

As I go in my house I didn"t see Mayia on the couch anymore.I go upstairs knocking on her door.

Maiya:Come in!

I walk in her room.

Maiya:Oh hey Kai where is y/n?

Kairi:She is on the phone with the nail artist.

Maiya:Whats wrong?

Kairi:There is nothing wrong

Maiya:I"ve known you for 12 years now whats wrong?

Kairi:I- I cheated

I whispered the last part hoping she didn"t hear it.

Maiya:You what! With who?when?

Kairi:Shh with umm-

Maiya:Who Kairi?


I whisper

Maiya:You know I really like y/n, she is not like Celia and is rude to me.Y/n always make times for me before she leaves this house! Celia says rude things to me when you guys were together.

She says crying her eyes out.

I feel so bad, I didn"t know Celia did this stuff to my own sister and her crying right infront of me telling me all of these good things about y/n.I wanna go back in time and not do that mistake.

Maiya:Do-es Y/n know?


She nodds her head and sits away from me.

Than we saw the door opening seeing y/n in tears.

Y/n:When were you going to tell me?

Kairi:I- I don"t know

I said now having tears go down my face.

Y/n:Come on Maiya we are gonna go to my house and do the stuff there.

Maiya gets up and packs clothes in her bag and left without saying a word to me.

After knowing the are out the house I started to cry.Cry knowing I fucking messed up.

I go to my room and just hide under the covers.

Mom:Kairi what happend?

Kairi:I- I messed uppp mom.

I look up to see my mom sitting on my bed.

She taps her thigh as a signal to put my head there.I did what she wanted me to do and started to cry more.

My mom moves any hair I have in my way.

Kairi:I cheated on her with Celia mom.

Mom:Kairi why?

Kairi:I went to this party and I told no one about it and I got drunk like really drunk and of course Celia was there and one thing lead to another.

Mom:Do you love this girl?

Kairi:Yes but most likely she won"t give me another chance

Mom:But show her you love her.Its maybe only 3 words but many people say it without meaning it.

Kairi:How when most likely she doesn"t want to talk to me?

Mom:Show her off, tell the whole world if you have too but do anything to show you love her.

I started to calm down and think what my mom just said but before anything else I fell asleep.

*Y/n POV*

Maiya and I were in my car,in my driveway crying our hearts out.

Maiya:I"m sorry

Y/n:What did you do?

Maiya:Nothing, but I"m sorry for his actions.

I started to feel bad.

Y/n:There was nothing you could of done.

I hug her.

Y/n:Let"s just have fun and forget any of this happend ok?


We both got out of my car, I grabbed Maiya"s stuff and mine,and we went up to the front door.I knock on the door knowing Mattia is home.

We heard footsteps and the door opens.I see Mattia with bags under his eyes.All because of me.

Mattia:Hey, I thought you guys are gonna be at Kairi"s.

Maiya:I did too but he cheated on y/n with Celia.

Mattia:Oh I"m sorry.

He pulls me in a hug.

It feels so good to be in his arms again,I felt nothing but love,but I don"t even know what love is anymore.

Y/n:Maiya go upstairs, I will bring our stuff and snacks up there.

I heard her footsteps go upstairs and Mattia pulls me into the kitchen.

He picks me up and sets me in the counter.

He grabbes a rag,wets it, and starts to clean up my tears and my horrible mascara stains.

As he gentle rubs it off he broke the slients.

Mattia:I miss you mi reina.This house feels so empty, I miss hugging you,kissing you,cuddle-ing you, having s.εメ with you.

He chuckled the last part and I did too.

Mattia:I miss everything of you.


Mattia:Yea, my room is a mess because I felt like I did something wrong to cause us to break up.

Y/n:It wasn"t you,it was me.I picked Kairi over you.

Mattia:I know but-

Y/n:No its all my fault, but I still love you.

Mattia:I love you too.

He leans in but we heard footsteps so I pushed him away and got the rag from his hand and cleaned my face.

Maiya:You guys ok?

Mattia and Y/n:Yea

Y/n:I was just telling him what happend in my pov.

Maiya:I"m sorry y/n

Y/n:Its ok Maiya I swear

Maiya:No its not,he knows better because Celia cheated on him.

Y/n:Didn"t know that.


*knock knock*

Y/n:That should be the nail artist come on Mattia your gonna hang out with us


I went up to the door and open it.


Y/n:Heyy,I missed you

I hugged him.

Jake:I missed you too

He hugs back.

Mattia:Who is that?

I see Mattia with his jaw clenched.

Y/n:My nail artist,don"t worry Maiya he is gay just case if you feel uncomfortable.

Maiya:Oh ok I"m fine with that.

Than I see Mattia calm down.

Mattia:Hey I"m Mattia.



Jake:Can I get a picture, my sister loves you.

Mattia:Of course

Jake went to Mattia and took a picture.

Jake:Thank you

Mattia:No problem

Jake:Well shall we get started?

Y/n:Yes, let"s go to the dining room table.

I take everyone to the dining room table.

Y/n:Is this good?


Y/n:Maiya want to go first? Mines are gonna take awhile.

Maiy:Oh sure.

Jake:Here sit here and show me or tell me what you want.

Mattia:Y/n can I talk to you?

Y/n:Sure,guys I will be back

Maiya and Jake:ok

Then Mattia leads me to his room door.

Mattia:Sorry but my room is a mess.

Y/n:Can"t be that bad.


Than he opens the door.

He wasn"t lying when he said his room was a mess.

He has two holes in his wall,clothes everywhere,water bottles,plates,and the mirror that used to be on the wall broke.

Y/n:Did I cause this?

I said walking into his room

Mattia:What do you mean?

He says closing the door.

Y/n:When I broke up with you.

Mattia:No I did,it was my fault that I lead you into this mess of us to be in a relationship.

Y/n:No its mine because I agreed to it

I said looking into his eyes.

Mattia:No it isn"t






Than I felt lips on mines. Mattia pulls me closer by my waist and I rested my hand on his cheek.

After a few minutes he pulled away.

Mattia:No it isn"t beautiful I promise.

Y/n:Fine you win, but you have to clean this room.

Mattia:I thought I can hang with you today.

Y/n:Our parents come back today.

His eyes get wide and started to clean his room.I laughed and went back downstairs.

Y/n:ok I"m back.

Jake and Maiya:Hey

Jake:We were talking about some random stuff.

Y/n:oh lol.What kind of nails are you gonna do Maiya?


With one of her hands Jake dosen"t need st the moment she pulls up the nails she want.

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now