𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨19

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*Y/n POV*


???:Not until you listen to me.

I am crying my heart out,I felt pain everywhere but mostly my left ankle.It hurts so bad.Even if you move it the slightest it will hurt,a lot.The person infront of me was pushing my hurt ankle to me and it hurts.

???:Now wake up!

I was so confused.

Mattia:Y/n? Babe? Wake up!!

Y/n:Huh?What-what happened?

Mattia:You were moving around a lot,crying,and screaming "stop".Then I got worried.

Y/n:Sorry I had a bad dream,what times is it?

Mattia:uhhh time to get ready for school.

Y/n:Ughh and it"s only Thursday?

Mattia: Wesnday

Y/n:Even worse,can I skip?

Mattia:No this is your first week,come on.

Y/n:Ughh fine.

I got out of bed and we both walked to my bathroom.Since we were already undressed from last night events,we just waited until the water is warm.I started to sniffling a bit.

Mattia:Are you ok? Are you sick?

Y/n:Yea I"m fine,it"s just since it"s so cold outside,my nose get covered.

He nodded his head and by the time we were both done talking the water is warm.We bith walked in the shower and I put my hair in a mess bun and started to wet myself.

*Skip the Shower your home girl is tired*

After my shower I decided to wear something that will keep me warm.

*Skip the Shower your home girl is tired*After my shower I decided to wear something that will keep me warm

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Even though it has some rips on the jeans, at least my top half is warm.

Mattia:Aww you look beautiful, bellissima

Y/n:Uhh what does that mean?

Mattia:What bellissima?


Mattia:bellissima means beautiful.


I turned around and did my hair and makeup.

Mattia:What did I just tell you.I said you are beautiful,and you didn"t have your hair done and makeup done.

Y/n:I know but I feel confident like this.

Then his smile turns into a frown.

Mattia:I want you to be confident,but your beautiful in every way,ok bellissima?


I said softly,he kissed my lips then he started to get ready.

*At school*

Mattia:OK we are here,I love you,stay safe.

Y/n:Love you too,stay safe too

We both got out the car and we went our separate ways.I see Kairi looking down on his phone by the front door.I walk faster to Kairi.


Kairi:Hey babe,I was waiting for you.Come on.

We both hold hands and walked inside the school.Kairi and I were talking about how he was gonna be lonely next week but I kept saying that he will have the boys and he can always call me.

Sooner or later we find the boys and started to talk to them for a bit.

After a few minutes I checked my phone to see it was almost time for first period to start.

Y/n:I have to go to my locker,see you guys later.

Kairi:I"m coming with you.

We walked to my locker,still holding hands,then Kairi said something.

Kairi:My mom and Mayia likes you a lot.

Y/n:Really? I like them too,Mayia is like a sister I"ve never had.

Kairi:Come over after school?

Then we made it to my locker and I started to grab stuff I need.

Y/n:Sure orrrr we can vist your sister again.

Kairi:But not get her food?

Y/n:Does she have her own lunch?

Kairi: Yea

Y/n:Then how come you don"t have your own lunch?

Kairi: Too lazy to pack it

*The bell rings*

Kairi:See you in 3rd,stay safe.

Y/n:I will,see you later

He gave me a kiss goodbye and we both went to our classes.

I updated 👏

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now