𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨23

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*Y/n POV *

K/m:Wait what do you mean someone is in the house.

Y/n:It"s not just someone,it"s my ex.

Maiya:Which is?

Y/n:Nico Rosamilia

(A/n:yea we are gonna add Nico)

Kairi:I know him,he wouldn"t do that.

Y/n:I know his voice like the back of my hand.He is also a bit muscular so when I saw that person in my room,his body was like Nico"s.

Kairi:Wait,someone was in your room?!



Y/n:The same night when I was almost taken away at the school.

Kairi:Why didn"t you tell me?

Y/n:I didn"t want you to worry.

Kairi:Y/n,I don"t care about me,I care about you! I want you to be safe,as long you are safe than I"m going to calm down,but these are serious!

Y/n:I know it is,but there was something in me to not say anything.

Kairi:Mom,can I stay with y/n for a few weeks?

K/m:A few weeks?Are you crazy? What about Maiya?

Kairi:She is gonna stay with you so you don"t have to be alone.

K/m:Kairi you are out of your mind!


K/m:No! Y/-

Y/n:Come Maiya.

I took Maiya hand and lead her to my room.I opended my door and let Maiya in first.She walks to my bed and sits.

Maiya:You think they will be ok?

Y/n:They will,I promise.See if this happend to you,he will also be protective.

Maiya:I know.

Then we heard a knock on the door,but there was still some yelling downstairs and my dad and Mattia"s mom is going to come in another three weeks,so I am very confused.

Y/n:Come in!

The door opend to reveal Mattia.

Mattia:Hey guys.



Mattia:What are they arguing about,also I just woke up so don"t mind me Maiya.

Maiya:You"re fine,Kairi does the samething after school.

Y/n:Well since Kairi and I left from events in the lunchroom,we decided to skip for the rest of the day and by the time you were home,you guys were playing gta I think,but I don"t know.While he was doing that I was doing the project for social studies.He said he was gonna go to the story reslly quick but he asked me to stay so I can take care of Maiya. I said of course,and he asked if I wanted anything from the store,I said I wanted a red bull,but besides the point.When he left a few minutes later I felt a present of someone.Not Kairi or Maiya or his mom but someone.I started to get scared and I decided to call you guys.I called Kairi twice,nothing.I called you.

I said pointing to Mattia.

Y/n:Nothing,I called Ale,he picked up after 1 ringed.I started to feel more safe since I had someone I know talking to me,but the front door opend.I thought it was Kairi.I looked at Ale and carried the phone with me while he screen record to see if anything happens.As I look over the staris there was nothing,so I got scared again and ran back to Kairis room.I hid in the closet and Ale started to whisper to me over the phone.Then,I heard footsteps from behind the closet.I started to cry because this is the first time something like ever happened to me.Ale said he was going to drive over here,but I said "what about nano?" He said them both are gonna come.Ale kept saying "stay on the phone with me".I put my hand over my mouth so I don"t make any noise. Then I heard he was coming to Kairis room.

I let in a shaky breathe.

Y/n:I told Ale if he can hurry up but still be careful since Nano was also in the car. I saw he was driving and he said he was pulling up the drive way. Then I heard Kairi door open.Then I heard the front door open.I heard Ale coming up the stairs and the person footsteps went away.Not in the room but like he ran out.Ale cam into the room with Nano and opend the closet.Never in life have I jumped so fast to someone"s arms.I cried harder in Ale"s arms and Nano was rubbing my thigh.After awhile Kairi cam back from the store and came in my room.Of course he was confused on why I was sitting on Ale"s lap,hugging him while Nano was rubbing my hand.I told him about everything that happend.Ale and Nano left,Kairi starts hugging me but than we heard footsteps again but hard ones.Not like Maiya"s.So we hid in the closet again and I started to cry again because I was thinking I was gonna lose everyone.Kairi said he was gonna go see who it was but when I pulled him back down the person came in the room and said "come out beatiful, I know you want to come out".out. I knew it was Nico.

Mattia:Nico Rosamilia?

Y/n:Yes, he is my ex,the one I told you about.

Mattia:The one that abused you?

he whispered the last part.


I whispered back.


I snapped my neck to Maiya.

Y/n:You cannot tell your brother.At least not yet Maiya,please,I"m not ready to tell him.

Maiya:But this is something serious y/n.

Y/n:I know it is Maiya but please Maiya don"t tell him.

Kairi:Tell me what?

Then we all three looked at Kairi.

Hey guys,sorry I didn"t really updated on time*Y/n POV *

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now