𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨6

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*Y/n POV*

Y/n:I had fun we should do this again

Kai:For sure uhh just tell me the day and time and I will be there.

Y/n:OK well I got to go i will facetime you when I"m done with dinner.

Kai:Oh ok bye


And I left back to the house.

I open the front door to see Mattia and this girl I"m guessing is Maya eating their faces off.I just placed the keys in the bowel, just scoffed and went to the kitchen to get water.

Maya:Who is she?

Mattia:My step sister

And they went back to eat their faces off.

I went to my room and turned on the TV and watched the rest of "Umbrella Academy" went I got to season two I hear the front door open and closed.i hear hard footsteps going up the staris then a knock.

Y/n:come in

Then I see Mattia.I rolled my eyes and look back at the TV.


And he sits next to me




Mattia:Did I do something wrong?

Did this bitch- I got up and Mattia also get up.


I was about to leave but this dino ass turned me around by my waist.

Mattia:Tell me what I did wrong.

Y/n:wow you are so clueless

And I got out of his grip and when I turned around I almost crashed into Maria.

Y/n:Oh sorry is dinner almost done?

M/m:Your fine and yes and why is Mattia in your room?

Y/n:We were watching a movie.

And she nodded and left and I also left my room to downstairs.Then I see my dad coming back from work.

Dad:hey hun

Y/n:hey dad I"m a little mad right now so I"m skateboard.

Dad:Oh ok come back before midnight stay safe.

Y/n:ok love you bye

And I grabbed my skateboard and left. There was a little wind so this should help me.

I was skating and skating,took deep breaths and let the wind hit my face. It was so peaceful and quiet. Sometimes I wish I was a owl because you are so free and at night its so calming. I look at the time it was already 8 pm so I skate back.

Y/n:heyy I"m home!

Dad:hi you just made it in time for dinner.

Y/n:Oh no I stink I should go shower but you guys can eat without me.

M/m:Oh no your fine I"m used to the smell because of Mattia and his soccer.

So I went to the dining and see Mattia already sitting down.I decided to sit next to Gian.

Gian:Hey I thought you were going to sit next to Mattia.

Y/n:Oh no today I want to hang out with you so I get to know you better.

Gian:Can we play gta later?

Y/n:Sure we can do whatever you want.

And he started to list the things he wants to do for the night while I just laughed.

*Mattia POV*

The only thing you hear in the dinner table is Y/n and Gian talking or laughing.I was confused why is mad at me.What did I do wrong? How do I make it up to her?

We were finally done with dinner,Gian and y/n went upstairs to play.

Mom:Matt come help me with the dishes

Matt:*groans* ok

then I went to the kitchen to help my mom.

Mom:You ok?

Matt:yea I just don"t want to do the dishes and I"m tired

Mom:Oh well one day you have to do the dishes for your wife.

Matt:Yea I know

And I thought of y/n

and I helped my mom to put away the dishes.

*Y/n POV 10 pm*

Y/n:Ohh its getting late for you buddy but we can play again tomorrow?


And I tuck him in bed

Y/n:Goodnight bubba


And I left his room and went to mine.I grabbed my towel,went to the bathroom and washed my hair,got out and see Mattia in my room.

Y/n:Can you leave?

Mattia:I already seen it

Y/n:Whatever why are you here?

Mattia:To talk,you are mad at me,again

when he final knows

Y/n:I"m not

I already had my clothes on and I only needed to dry my hair so that"s what i did.

Mattia:Yes you are just tell me

Y/n:You ask me to be your girlfriend,tell me your gonna break up with Maya but I see you guys eating each others faces off on the couch? That give me rights to be mad at you.

my arms were also crossed over my chest

Mattia:Look I haven"t find a reason why I should break up with her yet.

Y/n:You don"t need to because we are done.


Y/n:No buts leave

Then he came up to me and I was gonna kiss me but I turned me head.He kissed my cheek and left.I swear boys are so confusing.I just remembered I was to facetime Kairi but I was with Gian.




ey sorry I didn"t call I was Gian



ts ok see you tomorrow at school?



ea goodnight




Hey, sorry for any spelling errors, i have been really busy lately but i will try and post every other day.

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now