𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨18

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*Y/n POV 10:36 pm*

Mattia and I were on the living room couch,eating some chicken with rice while watching a movie.While the movie was finshing it up,Mattia and I was also finishing up with our food.

Sonner enough we were both done,so I grabbed both of our plates and put them in the sink to wash tomorrow.I ran back to the living and sat next to Mattia.

Y/n:You ok tia?

Mattia:Kinda,who do you think the person is?

Y/n:I don"t know,but we got to get some sleep because we have school tomorrow.

Mattia:I don"t want to,what happens if the person comes and get you in your sleep?

Y/n:He won"t,look to make you feel more comfortable,you can sleep with me.How does that sound?

Mattia:Ok I will sleep with you.

We both got up,turn of the T.V.,and went upstairs.

Y/n:Go get some pj then come to my room.

He hesitated nod and went to his room.

I went into mine"s and right when I walk in I felt this weird feeling.Weird.I was still alerted just incase if anything happens,then I started to hear Mattia"s footsteps running to my room.

Y/n:You ok?

I said while turning my head to him


He said in sync nodding his head.

I saw he his black basketball shorts in his hands.I turned my back to my dresser trying to find a over sized t-shirt,with black shorts.Then I just remembered,I wore my last pair when I was sleeping over at Kairi"s house.


I mummbled

Mattia:What happened?

He said walking up to me

Y/n:Oh nothing to worry about,just some shorts


We walked over to my bed,and sat on it,while I was still trying to find my pj"s.Then I saw this navy blue set,and then I got an idea.I don"t want Mattia worrying a lot so I"m getting to wear this set to get his mind off of things.I grabbed it,went into my own bathroom and changed into it.

I grabbed it,went into my own bathroom and changed into it

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The set^

I opend the door but only showed my face.I see Mattia in his basketball shorts with no shirt,on his phone,while laying down.



Y/n:I want to get your mind off of all of this,so I decided to wear this.

I turned off the lights of the bathroom,and now the only light we have is the bright led light around my room.I opended the door more and started to walk to Mattia.Mattia sat up straight,looking at me up and down.

Mattia:Come here

I walked over to Mattia.He grabbed my waist and put me on his lap

Mattia:You know your beautiful right?

I hesitated nod.

Mattia:You don"t think your beautiful?

Then his smile became a frown.

Mattia:Well I"m going to do so beautiful damage to this beautiful body,ok?

I nodded slowly.I"m still on Mattia lap,then he leaned in,and I did too.The kiss is really rough but also passionate.I disconnected our lips,and moved down to his jaw until I reached his neck.I went to his sweet spots, sucked on it harshly,making the beautiful man infront of me moan.I moved to the otherside of his neck and did the samething but harder while I moved back and forth on his member.He started moan more and breathing heavily.I start going down his chest to his toned abs.I made sure there was a trail of hickey"s from his neck to the waist line of his shorts.

I pulled down his shorts whith his underwear to see a hard member.

Y/n:I guess someone is excited for me

I smirked.

Mattia:We both are

I wasted no time and put most of his length in my mouth while I stroked the rest that couldn"t fit.I bobbed me head up and down.Mattia started to moan loud but low ones.I felt a big hand of the bavk of my head and he started to face fuck me.

Mattia:Shit! I"m about to c-cumm

I tapped his thigh as a "yes" and he came.I felt his liquid hit the back of my throat,then I swallow it.After I did I showed Mattia my tounge and show I did swallow it.

Mattia:Good girl,now let me rip the beautiful set off of your beautiful body.

He picks me up and now he was ontop.

Y/n:Please don"t leave any hickey"s on my neck.

Mattia:You made a whole trail

Y/n:Because tonight is about you amor.

Mattia:And I want to give you head.

I nodded my head.He took off my set and let a trail of hickey"s from my boobs to my thigh.Then I felt his tounge enter me.I let out a high pitch moan.He started to flick it and sucking on it making me moan louder.Then he grazed over my g-spot.

Y/n:r-right ther-e

He kept doing it until I said "i"m going to cum" but he stopped.I whined when I lost contact.Then I felt himself entering me without waring.I let out a loud moan almost to a scream.

Mattia:you like daddy"s dick,huh?.....You look so good on my dick.

He keeping telling me all of these dirty things making me a bit closer.Mattia is now pounding into me.like if there is no tomorrow.




Mattia:faster what?

Y/n:faster daddy,fuck!

He went faster sending me to euphoria. I clenched my walls around him so he can start getting close.

Mattia:Fuck,keep doing that,I love it when you do that.

I did a few more times sending him euphoria.

Y/n:I got to c-um

Mattia:are you on the pill?


Mattia:ok 3....2....1....Go!

We both cummed and Mattia kept going to ride out our highs.He pulled out and layed down next to me.

He snaked his arms around my waist.

Y/n:Feel better?

Mattia:A lot better,thank you mi amor

Y/n:No promblem,now go to sleep we have school.

Mattia:Ok goodnight love


Then we both fell asleep.

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now