𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨27

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a/n:aye yo look who is back-ish

*Y/n POV*

I look around me to see I"m at Kairi"s house,it"s night time,and everything is ok.

Kairi:Y/n what happened?

Y/n:I-I had a really bad dream

Than I started to sob.Kairi was gonna hug me but I flinched really bad.I look up to his eyes to see sadness in his eyes.

Kairi:Did I do something to cause you to flinch?

Y/n:N-no its just-t

Than I stayed silent.

I tried to breathe in and breathe out so I can calm down, so I can tell Kairi what happend.

Y/n:I was in here but by myself.I called your name since you weren"t next to me.Nothing.So I stand up, go to the door nob and right when I touched it you stabbed me in the back.It hurt, really hurts,it felt so real.You kept telling my im a slut,whore and told me you cheated on me, you never liked me,and-

Then,I started to think about what Kairi said about Mattia.Should I say it?I know it"s a dream but it"s also reality.

Y/n:And what happens if we broke up, would I go after Ale next since he likes me.You also told me to k*ll myself if you didn"t kill me for being a whore and a slut.

There was tears streaming down my face but I stayed calmed and explained my dream to Kairi.

I look up at Kairi to see tears going down his face too.

Kairi:I-I want you-u to kn- know I would never do tha-t.You are not a whore or a slut, you shouldn"t listen to a thing I said in that dream-m.I promise I would never and I mean never lay a finger on you,ok? I care for you too much to ever do that.

He said trying to say all calm while tears are coming down.

Y/n:I know you won"t.

He tries to hug me again and this time I didn"t flinch.I hugged him back.

He had his head ontop of mines.

Kairi: I love you

He whispers but kinda says it to himself.

Y/n: I love you too

I whispered back.

I could feel him smile.

After a while we decided to pull back.I feel a lot better.

Kairi:So,what do you want to do?

Y/n:uhh I don"t know

Kairi:What are you doing next week that it"s gonna make you busy?

Y/n:Well I"m making a new song and I have to shoot a movie.Songs usually take awhile and shooting movies takes like the whole day.

Kairi:Dang so I really won"t be hanging out with you.

Y/n:Yea I know, but these stuff are big opportunities that lead to bigger opportunities in life and my dreams are finally coming true.

Kairi:What is your dream?

Y/n:Getting famous for multiple things.I"m famous from tiktok,movies/shows,and songs and hopefully soon many more.I wish I can play softball again.Like no special treatment,get dirty, and have fun but I can"t.People think an influencer shouldn"t play sports,or should get special treatment since they are famous,it shouldn"t be like that.Everyone should be treated equally no matter what you look like,what you are,famous or not.

Kairi:Never knew you loved softball this much.

Y/n:Only my dad knows, well also my mom of course.

I smiled.

Remembering all the games she was able to make,cheering me loud and didn"t care if people looked at her "weird" or "crazy", records me when I go up to bat.I miss my mom.

Kairi:If you want since we are not really doing anything on Sunday we can go to the batting cages and hit some balls till we get tired.


Kairi:Yea, let"s make it a date

Y/n:Thank you thank you thank youuu

I said jumping to his lap.

I put my arms around his neck,and my legs around his waist while he holds me by my waist.

I felt safe but not as safe in Mattia"s arms but I love them both.

I pulled away and kissed his lips.They were soft just like last time.As we kissed the clicking sound is kinda echoing in Kairi"s room.I intertwined my fingers with his hair and remember how soft it is.His hands goes under my shirt and goes back my waist.This time he is touching my bare skin.

He pulls us closer making sure leaving no space between.Kairi raise his hands a little that my belly button is now showing.He leans forward making me lean back to the bed, I move my head to one side while Kairi moves his head to the other side.

I let one of my hands go under his shirt and let my fingers slide up and down on his abs.

But then he pulls back.


I gave him a confused look.

Kairi:My mom is still here.

I whined.

Kairi:Plus one day if we do end up doing it I want it to be special.


I smiled.He really cares.

He lays on top of me but half of his body is not on me.He warps his arms around my wait as in he is hugging my waist while I play with his hair.He lays his head on my stomach but I squeeze my stomach in.Kairi didn"t notice.

I felt my eyes are getting heavy again so I decided I"m going back to sleep.


I said softly

Kairi:Goodnight, I love you

Y/n:I love you too.

Then we both fell asleep.

Hi this took me awhile to write, maybe cuz i wasn't focused but i finished it so yeaa.

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now