Forever in My Heart

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 Zeref layed me down on the bed and began to devour my mouth, his lips hot against mine. His hands roamed to my hips and his mouth trailed down to my neck. My lips burned and stung from his rough treatment but I craved more. I hummed in my throat as he kissed my pulse and then licked over the spot, his fiery tongue tracing circles on my heated skin. He smiled into my neck and I pulled his head back up to my mouth and kissed him feverishly. He groaned into my mouth and I abandoned myself to the kiss.

I'm that good, am I?

I'm not certain if you're not. Don't you know yourself. Gray can kiss better than you. He and Juvia... well let's just say it was loud that night.

Oh, you wish to pit me against Gray? I bet that I can make you scream louder than he made Juvia. If I don't I'm your slave for a week. If I do then you have to do whatever I say for a week. Deal?

Your on.

His hands roamed to my breasts and I shivered as he squeezed them possessively.

Mine. He thought and I smiled. His indeed.

He licked from my neck to the top of my dress, my skin warming and my chest breaking out in a bright strawberry red.

I haven't even really started and your blushing already?

It's just really hot in here. My blushing has nothing to do with your " skills. "

You doubt me. It wasn't a question. I knew that he could see the questions firing off in my head. And I knew that it irritated him to no end that I was comparing him to the other men in my life. Gajeel's, Sting's, and even Gray's girlfriends have fun with their boyfriends and I'm a married woman. I guess I should have tested him to see if he'd be good when we got home. Even Natsu, as dense as he is could probably do better than Zeref...

Very much so.

Well then. I'll just have to turn up the heat.

Before I could stop him Zeref tore the dress off my right down the middle, my breasts flopping once inside the bra I was wearing and he stared greedily at my skin.

I knew you were huge but my gods Lucy. How big are you really?

I'm a G cup idiot.

I can't really say that I'm surprised but how did you get so beautiful and so very deliciously curvy?

Just when my blush was beginning to fade I blushed at his question and turned my head away.

How would I know that. I've had them since I was 5. What's the big deal?

You should know ,beautiful, it's one your chest.

You're so corny it's unbelievable that people haven't fallen ill because of your razor sharp wit.

His mouth twisted into a funny shape and he ran his hands over my sides poking and prodding. I clapped a hand over my mouth but the giggles escaped anyway. " AH!!! " I yelled but he continued his torture until I was out of breath. He lay next to me, one arm underneath my stomach. " That wasn't funny you know. " I gasped and he smiled. " Clearly it was because you were laughing. " He smiled lazily at me and I had the sudden urge to leap on him.

 Then go ahead but it won't really make a difference. Unlike you I can stop myself from laughing.

It dosen't matter. I'm going to make you beg me for more.

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