Angel or Demon ?

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I woke up and the surge of pain hit me right away. I groaned and tried not to move anymore than I was already. Wait. I was moving? How? I should technically be dead right? I cracked open an eye and looked up into the face of a dark haired man. He looked down at me and stared into my eyes. It felt like he was looking into my soul but I couldn't tears my gaze away from his. He looked away abruptly and kept looking ahead. " Who are you exactly? Why am I still alive? " I asked gently and the man smirked. " You need not know who I am at the moment Lucy Heartfilia. All you need to know is that I just saved your life. Or did you actually wish to die? " The man asked and I shivered at his brisk tone.

" I... No I wasn't trying to kill myself. Thank you for saving me Mr...? " I said and he chuckled quietly. " You may call me Z-sama for now. In case you were wondering, as I suspect you are, I'm taking you to my home So that I can heal you. " Z said and I closed my eyes again. I wondered if It was alright for me to go to sleep again.

You may sleep if you wish, Lucy. I'll wake you when we get there.

I froze in his arms and tried not to breath to loudly. I was loosing my mind. I knew I was. This wasn't possible for anyone but Warren.

Apparently not anymore. Is this so hard to believe?

A-are you in my head?

I cracked an eye open and looked up at Z who was staring intently at me, one side of his mouth quirked up in a lopsided half smile. I smiled back at him and he squeezed me a little tighter. Unfortunately for me it sent a ripple of pain cascading down my entire body. He froze mid step for a second and I knew he'd felt it with me. " I think that it would be best to get to the house as quickly as possible. You need to be healed. Immediately. " Z-san hissed and he quickened his pace. I closed my eyes again and thought to myself.

How did this man know me? Who was he really? And what did he want with me. He did have any guild mark that I could see and I certainly couldn't ask him to strip in the case that it was hidden underneath his clothes. I heard him chuckle underneath his breath and I felt my cheeks begin to burn. I'd forgotten that he could read my mind. I laughed at myself silently and he laughs a little louder. I slipped into his mind as he kept laughing. His mind was a white sheet of fog. A large shape was sitting somewhere behind the fog. It's tail swung behind it, bulky black and blue feathers hung on each side of it's massive body. A dragon? But I knew this one in particular and I didn't like it at all. Acnologia!! The dragon smirked at me and opened it's scaled mouth. A wave of black sickness rolled towards me. It hissed something at me and I felt a chill roll down my spine. " Lucy. " It said.

I retreated from the frightening image until I saw Z-san's face in a mask of rage. " What the hell were you doing in my head? What did you see? " He asked harshly but I barely heard him. The only person who knew Acnologia was... Zeref!?! I was being held by Zeref? I shrieked and struggled to get out of his arms but he held my firmly in his grasp. " You died and I brought you back! Dosen't that count for something. Everything I touch withers and dies. Suddenly I can touch a person and that person just happens to be you. Don't you see why I can't let you go? Besides, You now know where Acnologia is and I can't let you escape with that information. You have to stay with me. Or I will destroy everything. " He said and my heart stopped.

I could either let everyone and everything else die or I could let this man kidnap me and everyone else would live. Even Fairy Tail. I had to do this for them. Especially Levy, MiraJane and everyone else who hadn't abandoned me. I had to protect those who still loved me. I heard Zeref growl and I flinched into him. " Why do you still care about them? About him? They abandoned you and still you wish the best for them. You're willing to sacrifice your freedom for those who broke you? " He yelled in my face. " Not all of them are bad. Some of them still love me and I love them back! You can't blame me for that. Their the only ones that still love me! I have no one else that gives a damn about me! What else do you want me to do? "  I shouted and The tears came hot and fast until I was finally screaming in his arms.

Zeref nuzzled the top of my head and kissed my hair. " You have me, Lucy. You'll always have me. I care about you and don't you forget it. They might not care about you but I do and I won't let the hurt you again. Not ever. " Zeref said and I finally fell asleep in his arms. A little later I felt myself being tucked into a soft bed and I fell asleep for good, thinking of my unintentional dark knight.

Zeref's POV

I pressed Lucy into the bed and walked back out of the house heading for Fairy Tail. I hated them all. They broke the one thing in the world that was more precious to me than life itself.

So the mighty Zeref is developing feelings for a mere mortal? Interesting.

I sighed and then growled as Acnologia imagined Lucy in my head and laughed.

What exactly is so funny you over grown lizard. Leave Lucy alone.

Why should I? What is she to you? Or to me? Nothing but an annoyance.

What in blazes are you talking about?

Haven't you noticed? Your softer and you haven't killed anything in about 15 minutes. That's a very big problem for me.

I blinked and reached down to touch a blade of grass.

What is going on? I shouldn't be able to do this.

Lucy's celestial power is canceling my powers. She is your counter weight and I'm not having it. Never. You are mine Zeref. Not her's. I'll never allow this. Never. If I have to be alone then so do you. I'll make sure of that.

I felt Acnologia's presence fade and I practically skipped the rest of the way to the guild. I walked up to the doors of the guild and burst through it. I heard several people gasp before rushing at me. I put both my hands up and began searching the guild. " If the one called Makarov is here let him step forward! " I yelled and Makarov came forward slowly, his eyes rimmed with red. " What is it that you need Zeref? If it's a fight look elsewhere. We're not in the mood. Go home. " He said as he began to turn away from me and I laughed. " Oh, you little murders will be begging to fight me in a few minutes. " I scoffed and Makarov spun back around. " What did you say? " He whispered. I smirked and just looked down at him. " I thought you told me to go home old man. " I said and leaned onto one foot.

" Just tell me what you know. " Makarov commanded me. " Thought I don't see why she loves you all, I'm doing this for Lucy. She is not dead. Or rather she was dead but I revived her. She is healing in my home and she has agreed to certain terms that bind her to me for the rest of her life in order to save all of yours. " I said and the entire guild broke into a frenzy.

Lucy's alive!

We never should have let her leave!

Lucy we're sorry!

Come back to us!

What does he mean an agreement!!

I caught the last one from the very back of the guild. A voice I recognized. " Natsu! " I yelled and he stormed to the front of the guild. " Give Lucy back! " He yelled and I punched him in the face. " What do you mean give her back? You're the one who pushed her away for that tramp Lissana. You do know that the girl who claims to be Lissana isn't really her. She's the Edolas version of the Lissana you knew. But you already knew that didn't you, Natsu? " I asked and Natsu froze in place. " I knew but... she was still Lissana. She- " He said but I had had enough of his excuses. " You threw away the girl you ' loved ' for a shadow of the girl you lost. ' I can't chose! Oh no! Who do I want! I can't decide! Poor me! ' Your pathetic! You don't deserve her! You're the one who abandoned her in the first place! " I yelled and everyone fell silent.

" Anyhow, Lucy agreed to stay with me so I won't kill you all. I can read her mind and you want to know what made her agree? She thought ' I could either let everyone and everything else die or I could let this man kidnap me and everyone else would live. Even Fairy Tail. I had to do this for them. Especially Levy, MiraJane and everyone else who hadn't abandoned me. ' It made me sick. She's never hated any of you. After all you've put her through she still loves each and everyone of you! " I howled and all the people before started to cry. " You have no right to call her family or friend anymore. Lucy belongs to me and if any of you hurt her again, I swear I will kill you all. You have been warned Fairy Tail. Stay away from her. All but those called Levy and MiraJane. The rest of you I never want to see again. " I said and made myself invisible before running back towards the forest.

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