Happiness Is Overrated

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Several months passed and things got a lot easier between me and Zeref. Zeref and I spent time exploring the forest, laying in the field and just talking to each other. On one of those blissful days I could feel Zeref's tension radiating off of him. " What's wrong? " I asked him and he smiled at me but I could tell it was strained. I sat up off the grass and looked at him. " I know something's wrong. Just tell me already. " I said but Zeref ignored me, his brows knitting as he thought. I huffed and stood up. I began to walk back towards the house when I heard Zeref get up after me.

" Lucy wait! " He yelled after me and I spun on my heel. " Why should I? I've been asking you what was wrong with you for a good 15 minutes and you've completely ignored me the entire time. Now either you can tell me what the problem is or you can 'think' by yourself. " I said and crossed my arms over my chest. Zeref walks up to me and smiles, his arms out. " you are one stubborn women, you know that?" He says and I blush a little but hold my stance. " I repeat, what is wrong with you?" Zeref sighs but keeps walking towards me still hold out his arms. I step back stiffly but he folds his arms around me anyway. " Nothing's wrong, unless you think marrying me is a bad idea." He said calmly but I could feel The tension radiating off him.

All I could do was look at him. I stood in silence for a couple more seconds before leaping on top of him, causing us both to topple to the hard dirt. " We're getting married!?! Seriously? " That's awesome news. Why didn't you say so? I love you. I always have and I always will, you big dummy. " I said and Zeref just stared at me.

I've never been so happy in all my life. What exactly am I supposed to do now that I'm the happiest I've ever been? " Zeref said and Looked up at me with a look of utter amazement plastered on his face. " Kiss me maybe?" I inquired before he brought my face down to his. His mouth brushed mine softly and I groaned in frustration but he needed no more incentive from me. Zeref moaned interest the kiss and pulled me tighter against him. I sat on top of him and he devoured my mouth in turn. His mouth tasted of mints and the strawberries we had eaten for lunch. His tounges invaded my mouth and I let him taste ever part of my mouth. I sighed into his mouth. I pulled away and he looked deep into my eyes.

I sighed again and stood up. His gaze traveled up my thigh but I placed my hands over my skirt front. " No peeking you perv." I said and smiled down at him, offering him my out stretched hand. Zeref took it and picked himself up. " Why do you look so depressed all of a sudden? You look as if Someone just died. What's wrong?" He asked and I shook my head. " Nothing's wrong. Not really. I just have to tell the rest of the guild. " We'll do it together, okay." Was all he said and I leaned up to kiss him again. I grabbed his hands again and we walked in the direction of the guild.


We arrived at the guild a couple of minutes later. I took a deep breath and Zeref squeezed my hand once more. I pushed open the guild doors and what I saw shocked me. Everyone was sitting. Natsu and Gray were sitting next to each other but they weren't fighting. Ezra sat without her cake. Nobody was fighting. " Hey everybody! I'm home." I yelled and all the lowered heads bobbed up to see who had spoken. I grinned at them and waved the hand that was intertwined with Zeref's. " I'm home. "

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