My Only Love

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I spent the next two weeks alone in my apartment, away from both Natsu and Zeref. I packed a few bags and set them by the door as the week's end closed in. I stood up from my bed covered in all black from head to toe. My blonde hair was up in a pony tail underneath my black hood. I began to haul my bags out the door before a small cough froze me. " Are really going leave without saying goodbye, Lucy? At least to your husband? " I looked behind me and saw Gray emerge from the shadows. He walked up to me and he hugged me. " Zeref isn't mine to call husband anymore. The gods have decided otherwise and I do not agree with their decision.If their will was to have us be apart then why would they allow us to marry at all? Why let him make me happy and then rip him away from me? " I said and Gray walked up to me so that my face was level with his. " It's okay. You'll be fine. We'll help you, Lucy. Don't worry about anything. " He murmured and I felt the wetness between my cheeks and his cheek.

I suddenly realized that I was crying and I screamed, a horrible keening sound ripping itself out of my mouth. Gray crushed me tighter to him and I cried louder and louder, closing my bleary eyes,  until I made myself half deaf. Gray held me tight and it felt as if his arms were the only things keeping me from flying off with the wind. " L-Lucy? " He asked and I opened my eyes and I screamed a bit louder then stopped as my voice gave out on me. I was glowing, my entire body alight. I felt the tears still running down my face but I felt myself getting hotter and hotter. I was burning to death with an ice mage right beside me. " G-get away... f-fro-mm-me Gr-Gray. " I managed to get out before my entire body burst into flames. I yelled into the night, my voice bouncing off the opposite houses.

Gray aimed his ice at me but it burned away before it even reached my body. I blazed brighter and brighter as my body got hotter and hotter. It felt as if I'd swallowed the sun and it burned in the pit of my stomach. My body began to move on it's own and I walked past Gray towards the bridge. " G-Gray! Help m-me! " I yelped before my mouth clamped shut and I stumbled along the bridge towards the guild in total silence. I could hear Gray calling my name but I couldn't stop myself. " LUCY! " He shouted but his voice began to fade the farther away I got from him. I walked in pain, my very bones on fire but I walked on.

I finally reached the doors of the guild and I stopped in front of them as they suddenly flew open right in front of me. I collapsed to my knees as a head of salmon colored hair appeared before me. " N-Natsu. " I whispered before I felt myself fading away, his voice getting quieter and quieter the deeper I fell away.

Natsu's POV

I knew from the minute that she screamed that something was wrong. I heard my Lucy screaming from far away but something told me to stay put and she just walked up to the doors and I threw them open and there she was. She whispered my name and my heart started to turn summer salts but the bruises that covered her perfect white skin made me growl. I smelled fear and pain and confusion on her so I picked her up and carried her to the infirmary. Then I saw him. Standing by the open window, his jacket fluttering out behind him like some kind of king. " How is she? " Zeref murmured and I growled at him. " What are you ding here? I thought you left town? " I hissed at him but he said nothing. " How is she? I asked for nothing else but the assurance of her well being. Is that much? " He asked and I lay her of the bed. Then I lost it.

" Does it look like she's okay? Her body is covered in bruises and she smells like she's just been attacked but I can smell no one else on her but Gray and that ice prick wouldn't dare hurt my Lucy! So you tell me oh might Zeref! Does she look well to you?!? " I shouted and Zeref had the nerve to laugh at me. Laugh! " What exactly is so funny? " I growled and he stopped. " Oh, nothing is funny. It's just the gods made a wise choice in mate for her. If anyone else should have her, I would rather it be you, if not me. " He said and I balked. He was handing her over to me? As if he could read my mind  Zeref grimaced. " This dose not mean that I'm handing her over. Never. Not unless she says that she wants me gone, then I'd disappear. But I will give you some head way as to weasel your way back into her life. If she is to have one of us then I will fight for her heart as hard as I possibly can. You have been warned. She is not fully mine but neither is she fully yours. We shall see who claims her heart once again. Fair well Natsu Dragneel. " He said and in the span of time it took for me to blink he'd disappeared, the dark night and shadows taking his place.

He'd fight for my Lucy? Fine then, but I'd win. I had to. There was nothing more important than Lucy and I would fight just as hard. I smiled into the night and then I gazed down at my sleeping angel. Thought she was still in pain, she smiled as though she'd heard our conversation.

Wait for me Lucy. I'd love you just as much as he can. Give me a chance to prove myself to you. You'll see. We were meant to be together, just you and me. Nothing will ever take you away from me again. Nothing.

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