To Dream of Flying

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" How many of you creep are going to come after me before you get the message?!! " I shouted and Nicholas raised a single eyebrow as I began to get angry. " Lucy, you know this guy? " Natsu asked and I turned my glare on Natsu as he watched us in concerned bewilderment. " No you idiot! " I hissed and turned back to face Nicholas though when I turned to look he was nowhere to be found. Suddenly warm hands settled low on my hips and began to slid forward until they were placed directly over the top of my thighs. " Just as soft as I remember. " Nicholas groaned and placed a soft kiss on a tender place between my neck and shoulder. I growled in annoyance at my traitorous body. I ripped myself away from him and swiped the spot he was standing in.

" You have to be quicker than that love. "

Suddenly two opposing fists struck me in both sides of my ribs, forcing the bones beneath to creak with the forced pressure. I coughed and fell on my hands and knees as the breath was forced from my lungs. " Done already? Come on Lucy. Make it a challenge for me! " Nicholas laughed and I watched as three Nicholas's circled and me and grinned.

" Make it a challenge?" He asked and he raised an eyebrow at me, sensing the shift in my demeanor as I closed my eyes and concentrated. " Okay buddy. Just remember. You asked for this." I closed my eyes and focused my magic into the very points of my fingertips. " Seventh Heaven Magic: South Winds." To anybody else that sounded like something you'd want on a hot summer day. But for me... It was something else entirely.

And apparently Nicholas got it too.

" What the- " He cut himself off with a groan and fell to his knees as his body began to overload with pain. The magic that I'd called out went way past old, bested only by the 10 wizard Saint's magic. It was vert ancient and was forbidden by the council for this very reason. 

It drove it's victims insane with pain. 

Every sight. Every sound. Every touch. From the wind to his own heartbeat, Nicholas would be screaming in mere seconds. South Winds used an opponents own humanity against them. The stronger they were, the more it hurt and this was the perfect spell for him. Nicholas was screaming and holding his head as he curled in on himself, the pain vibrating through his body.

And then he roared. A loud skull splitting, ear shattering, mind numbing roar that seemed to echo for miles right inside my head as he started bleeding from his ears. Nicholas screamed and roared and wailed as the pain began to drive him out of his mind. The he went still and I sighed, thinking he was dead.

And then he disappeared.

Suddenly Natsu yelled and shoved me out of the way, a growl tearing it's way up and out of his throat right when a hand shoved itself through his spine and out of his chest. Natsu's eyes widened before he stared down at the hand and fell forward, blood seeping into the grass while the wind blew his hair into his face and covered his eyes.

" Natsu.... NATSU!!! " I shouted and rushed to cover his body as Nicholas stared at him with crazed eyes, a strange blue and black light beginning to glow around his hand. " How could you? He was innocent! HE DIDN'T TOUCH YOU!!! " I shrieked and leapt at him, my tail wrapping around his throat and dragging him to me as he spit and coughed, trying to breath around the constriction in his throat. 

He clawed at me tail but began to hiss and cry as the pain began to come back. 

I squeezed and squeezed and squeezed until the air in his throat beneath my tail turned his neck blue. He clawed weakly at my tail but his arms dropped to his sides as his body began to stop functioning. I looked into his eyes as he stared at me through slits as his eyelids began to shut. I dropped him and ran back over to Natsu before burying my face in his back with soft sobs of ' sorry ' slipping through them.

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