Light in a Dark Place

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Gray squeezed my hand and smiled as we approached the guild doors. I took a deep breath and together we pushed open the huge wooden doors. The light outside blinded me for a second but as soon as my eyes adjusted I gasped. The guild was covered in red and black banisters with Natsu's name in bold. " Congratulations Natsu! " They read. I looked around the guild hall but Natsu was missing. Come to think of it, so was Lissanna. " I'll be right back Gray. " I said and he let go of me right as Juvia caught sight us. " Love Rival... " She hissed menacingly at me but I smiled and pointed at Gray. " Gray was just saying how much he wanted to see you, Juvia. " I said and rushed past her but not before she squeaked 'GRAY-SAMA' and launched herself at Gray.

" Sorry Gray but I have to check something out. " I whispered and smiled as Gray struggled underneath her body, his face shoved between her boobs. I raced to the back of the guild and threw open the storage. I fell to my knees and covered my mouth as I watched Natsu get down on bended knee in front of Lissanna and take her hand in his. " N-natsu... Oh God, Lucy. " Lissanna whispered when she saw me. Natsu turn and leapt to his feet with a small box in his hand. " L-Lucy wait, I...! This isn't what you think it is! I was just-! " 

I scrambled to get up and ran out of the guild. " Lucy wait! Luce! " I heard Gray shout from underneath Juvia as I ran past them. Tears streamed down my face but I couldn't feel anything. I gave up the man I loved for a man that hated me enough to propose to his best friend right in front of me. Natsu never loved me. It was all a lie. I ran for my house and started to throw things into a duffel bag. I had to get away before they came after me. A soft knock sounded at my door and I froze before quietly picking up the duffel bag and making my way to the closet. " Lucy! Luce open up! Please! LET ME EXPLAIN! " Natsu howled outside my door as he pounded the splintering wood.

" GET OUT! GO AWAY! I HATE YOU!!! " I shouted at him but he got louder and louder. " NO! I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO!! COME OUTSIDE LUCY!!! " He shouted and I started to cry. A sudden explosion of wood sounded outside my closet door and I knew Natsu had punched clear through my door. " Lucy! Come out of there! Let me explain! " I had had it with this liar and my emotions were starting to frenzy. I threw open the closet door and tackled Natsu to the ground, my duffel bag flying over my head. " Why can't you leave me alone! You have Lissanna, ISN'T THAT ENOUGH!?! You can't let me be happy for a second can you? You took him from me already! LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY!!! " I shouted and suddenly a burst of power erupted within me.

Natsu's eyes widened for a second before his eyes rolled up into his head and his head thumped against the floor. I leapt off of him as blood began to stream out of his nose. Had I killed him? I grabbed my duffel bag and ran out the door, locking it behind me. I ran outside towards the forest. I had to get away. A scally clawed hand closed over my shoulder and I shrieked. A sharp lance of fear shot through me as I imagined an enraged Natsu beating me to a bloody pulp. I turned slowly only to see a young girl with snow white hair that trailed down her back. Loose starnd of her hair floated around her porcelain face: her startling lapis eyes pierced into the very core of my being. She was unsettling and un-natural but for some reason I felt as if I had know her my whole life.

" Layla? " The girl asked and her voice sounded like wind chimes, light and pleasant. " How ", I swalloed as I tried to arrange my thoughts. " How do you know my mother? " I asked as the girl removed her hand. " L-Lucy-sama? Oh my. It has been a long time. " She said and I raised an eyebrow at her. What was she talking about? I'd never seen this girl before. She smiled at me and bowed, her long hair falling to the side and spilling over on the ground; a perfect replica of a misty water fall. " Hello Lucy-sama. I am Melody and I have come to take you home."

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