Dawn of the Celestial Dragon

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" Lucy. Lucy-nee-sama! Wake up! Why won't she wake up, Kyo-Chan? It's been 2 days already!! I want to play with Lucy-nee! " I groaned and rolled over trying to block out the sound of a child's voice and the soft clinking of dishes on a hard surface. I groaned again and blinked. " Zeref-sama? Come here please. " I heard the child say and my husbands deep voice answered from somewhere across the room. I opened my eyes and breathed slowly as Zeref answered.

" Yes Rumi-Chan? What is it you need from me? " Zeref asked, his voice deep and husky, as if he had just woken up. " I need you to wake Lucy-sama up for me. She doesn't seem to want to get up for me. She might want to get up for you. " She said and I hear Zeref chuckled as he got closer to me. " I will try Rumika-Chan. I need you both to leave for now and I'll bring Lucy in when she's awake and dressed. Okay? " 

" Okay." Silence. " Lucy? Lucy, I know you're awake. You heartbeat has sped up quiet a bit. You can rouse yourself willing or I could do it for you. Either way, you are accompanying me to the dinning room. Now are you going to wake yourself up or do you need help? " He asked and I could feel him get closer and closer to me, his hands on either side of my hips. He sighed and then chuckled. " You really love to play games, huh, Lucy? Fine. I'll oblige you but don't get mad at me later. " He said and I felt his lips press into my left hip.

His hands caressed my sides and back as he continued to crawl up my body, sending shivers up my spine. He kissed up the length of my side until he reached the underside of my left breast. I clamped my lips shut as he began to nibble lightly on my breast, working his way up to my nipple. I froze when he took my nipple in his mouth and bit it lightly. I moaned quietly but I didn't move.

" So you are awake. You want to get up, Lucy?"

I lay absolutely still and Zeref laughed. " Well don't say I didn't warn you. " He said and he bit my nipple again... and again... and again. I was panting by the time he released me. His hand snaked down to my thigh and around to rest on my naked stomach. It was then that I realized that my sheet was lying on the floor. I sucked in a breath as Zeref began to lift my shirt and tug at my pajama bottoms. He smiled and leaned down his mouth hovering over my stomach. He leaned down and licked from my belly button to where my pajama bottoms began. 

My hand clenched the bed in anticipation. He leaned down and after making sure I was watching him blew a breath on my already tingling skin. I sighed but didn't tale me eyes off him as he played with the waist band on my pants. Zeref leaned down once more and after looking me right in the eye,he smiled and kissed my stomach before walking to the door.

I sat up immediately and stared wide eyed at him as he opened the door. " I'll see you downstairs, love. " With that Zeref swept out of the room, a smile heavy on his flawless lips. I stared at the place he'd been standing in disbelief. My body yearned for his  touch but the anger that had slowly begun to build within me began to over ride my lust. " ZEREF!!!!!! " I screamed and flew out the door after him. Literally. He'd have hell to pay for that. Nobody messes with Lucy Heartfilia.

" There she goes again. Go get the box, Lilia. " I heard a familiar voice say. I turned my head to look back but my body jolted to a stop as it collided with something. " Hey beautiful. " I turned in disbelief as I registered my old friend's voice. 

" I've missed you my Princess." He grinned up at me before putting me back on the floor, being careful not to hit my wings.

" Loke? "

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