Slipping Through My Fingers

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" NICHOLAS!!! " I bolted upwards, my heart beat hammering in my chest as I tried to escape the terrifying imaginary hands that gripped my throat. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes, the dream still on the edge of my consciousness, the tattered fringes leaving goosebumps on my arms. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms and opened my eyes to look outside the window. The sky was gray and crackling with energy.

The soft pitter patter of rain hit the windowpane, the sound soothing my frayed nerves as the nightmare's hold on me began to slip. I sighed and threw the covers to the side and walked to the window, grabbing my robe off the foot of the bed. I slipped it on and held the front closed with one hand and pressed the other to the window, the cool drops of water lowering the temperature in the room.

I walked to the door and opened it, following my nose as I tracked my target. I opened his door and slipped in, freezing when he shifted in the sheets, pulling the thin covers over his head as he tried to block out the light that slipped in through the door with me. I shut the door softly and crept up to him, my tail swaying behind me as I tried to remain calm. Natsu threw the sheets off of his body and snored softly, his mouth open as he drooled onto the pillow. I swept his hair off his face and pressed two fingers to his pulse, the beat of his heart strong and steady.

Suddenly he grasped my waist and pulled me on top of him, his face pressed into my chest as I trie my best to lifted myself off him before I accidentally suffocated him. He snored and snuggled deeper into me. " Lucy..." He mumbled into my skin and went back to sleep, his grip on my waist slackening slightly. I chuckled when he gargled a small roar and tightened his grip once again.

I sighed in amused exasperation and rolled us so that I was on my side facing him. I sighed and pulled him closer, putting my hands on the back of his head. I wouldn't hurt just to hold him for a few minutes. I would leave in a little while. For now, I just wanted to make sure that he was safe and happy. I sighed again and closed my eyes, joining Natsu in his sleep.

Natsu's POV

I felt warm. Warmer than usual. The type of warm that made your toes tingle and your body warm and your hands jittery. The type of warm you can only get from one person. I held my breath and opened my eyes. I looked up to see Lucy's beautiful sleeping face, her cheeks softer in unconsciousness. My face was lightly pressed into her breasts, her hands holding me to her.

" Natsu.... don't.... go... Sorry... " She said in her sleep, tiny tears beggining to lip down her rosy cheeks. I wiped them away and smiled as she unconsciously leaned into my hand, a tiny smile forming on her trembling mouth. " I forgive you, luce. Always. " I said and rested my ear over her heart, listening to the soft thud that called to the beating within my own chest. Suddenly she pressed me harder into her and then let go, her hands still tangled in my hair.

I growled appreciatively as she mumbled my name and snuggled closer to me. I hugged her and closed my eyes once again, drifting back into a peaceful sleep where I had all the time in the world with the brightest star in the sky that had somehow found it's way to me.

A place where I didn't have to worry about my star leaving me ever again.

Lucy's POV

I woke up cold and stiff, my arms and face pressed into the bed in the sheets. I flexed my fingers and realized that I was holding something. My eyes widened as I realized what it was. Igneel's scarf. Natsu never let it out of his sight. I sat up and looked around
the room searching for the owner of the scarf but he was nowhere to be found.

A loud grunt could be heard from outside and I rushed to the window, a deep gut wrenching feeling of wrong had settled in the pit of my stomach. I leapt out of the window, my wings already open and catching the currents of air as soon as I caught a glimpse of Zeref with Natsu's throat in his hand as he slammed him into the hard ground.

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