Fresh Start

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I turned towards MiraJane and Levy as we walked back to the trees. Before I could say anything they stopped and a look passed between them. " We know. Go back to him. Work things out, then get your scrawny ass back to Fairy Tail! You hear me! " Levy yelled and pushed me into the trees. I turned and smiled at them. " It's not exactly scrawny but... " I trailed off and I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. I wouldn't see them for a while if Zeref had his way and I was betting he would. I waved at them and then rushed back to them tackling them both in a bear hug. " I'm going to miss you guys so much! " I sighed and they hugged me harder. " It's not like we can't visit you, right? " MiraJane asked and I smiled a little wider. " Come over anytime! I'll just have to get Zeref to behave! " I said and then ran for the trees. They both waved to me and headed in the direction of the guildhall.

I'm coming home! I sent and I could feel Zeref laugh and growl possessively.

I could get used to hearing that. It's nice.

I smiled to myself and then launched myself through the trees.

Be careful. Don't hit a tree trying to get back here, Zeref thought and I snickered.

I could always just wander aimlessly and make you come to get me. I sent and Zeref laughed out loud.

Your not that far away are you? I sent and I could see him shake his head as I approached him. I leaped at him and he caught me mid-air. " I've missed you. " Zeref whispered into my ear. I nuzzled his neck and kissed his cheek. " I've missed you too. " I said and he hugged tighter. I slid out of his arms and he grasped my hand in his. " Let's go home, already! I really do need a shower. " I complained and Zeref laughed at me. He squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. Zeref swung me onto his back and he began to run through the forest. I hung on and put my head on his back. I fell asleep and I woke up cradled in his arms. I leaned into him and breathed deeply. He smelled of spice and the fall.

I slid my hands up his lightly muscled chest and up to his pale neck. I felt his pulse beating strong and steadily in time with mine. I looked into his eyes and they were a shiny black color. I felt my heart begin to speed as his gaze fell on me. It was sexy the way he looked at me, as if he were just waiting for the green light to devour me.

I'm sexy, am I? Is that all I am? Zeref thought and I growled softly at him. " Stop reading my mind would you? " I said, playfully annoyed. " I can't help it. Your thoughts are mine. One minute I'm thinking about how beautiful you look and the next I'm thinking about how sexy I look. I wonder how that got in my head. You have any idea how that happened, Lucy? " He asked and I could feel my cheeks begin to burn. " Don't be ashamed love. I have the same thoughts. I'm just better at hiding my thoughts. " He said and kissed me lightly on the nose. I sniffed and closed my eyes again. It was time to get some revenge.

I pictured myself in a two piece, red, bathing suit, the strap falling from my shoulders. I sat back and I was lying down on sand,the tiny pebbles sliding down my back. I suddenly want to get dressed but my clothes have disappeared and the bathing suit is too soaked for me to walk around in. My only other option is my towel. I walk over to it and begin to peel off my clothes. I stop the vision there and I hear Zeref let out a tiny groan but he keeps walking. I can see the house looming closer and closer.

I hop out of his arms and race towards the house, letting my thoughts get dirtier and dirtier. I laugh when Zeref decides to finally give chase. I run to the bed room and sift through the drawers, looking for a underwear and a bra. I picture black lace and I grab the first black pair that I can find. I run to the bathroom and lock the door just when Zeref reaches it. " Lucy! Let me in! Please! " Zeref pleads with me but I just laugh.

You want to come in Zeref? I send and I can feel him restraining himself from breaking down the door to get to me.

I'm that sexy am I? Is that all I am, Zeref? I repeat his earlier thoughts to me and he groans.

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