Secrets Kept

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We walked into the guild past everyone to the bar, where MIraJane and Levy sat silently. Levy turned around first and I laughed at her shocked expression. Levy launched herself at me and I caught her around the waist. " Lucy! " She yelled and I hugged her tighter. " I'm home. " I whispered and she started crying. Mirajane hugged me from behind the counter and I smiled.

" Lucy! " everyone shouted and suddenly Zeref and I were surrounded by guild members. I looked past their smiling faces and searched for the people I wanted to see most. Team Natsu sat at the back of the guild. I crossed my arms and took a deep breath sighed. " Get your asses up here Team Natsu! " I shouted and I saw all their heads snap up but one. Natsu looked up at me and then he looked down with a look of such immense guilt that I had to look away. " Lucy? " Erza asked and she rushed at me. I caught her around the waist as she hugged me tightly. I laughed into her hair and she shook with the force of her sobs. "I'M SORRY! " She wailed repeatedly and I stroked her hair.  " I know. I know Erza. I forgive you. I know what Lissana did to you. " I said and she looked up at me, her tear stained cheeks bunching in a small smile. "Thank you. " She whispered and hugged me again.

Gray stood at the back of the crowd looking at us and he started to walk towards me. He stopped in front of me and dropped to his knees. " Lucy, I can't even begin to explain myself and I could never expect you to forgive me. I can't ask you to forgive me but I- " He said but I just shook my head at him.

Don't you understand, Gray. I could never hate you or Erza or even Natsu for what you did. I would never have met Zeref then.

I saw Zeref smirk out of the corner of my eye and he nodded minutely. I smiled down at Gray and extended my hand. He took it and I pulled him into me. He bent his head down until his ear was next to my mouth. " I forgive you. " I whispered and he hugged me too. " Thank you. " He said but I could barely hear him. I kissed his cheek and then looked up to see Natsu still sitting in the back of the guild. " Hey, Natsu! Get over here! Now! " I shouted and he ignored me.

I ran over to him and he looked up at me. " I said come here. " I whispered angrily to him and he shrugged. " If you're looking for an apology then go back over there. " He said but his voice was small. I saw red everywhere.

Calm down, Lucy. Zeref sent but I blocked him out. What the hell did he mean by that? I grabbed his hair and made him look me in the eye. Natsu had tears in his eyes and he blinked but didn't open his eyes again.  The tears spilled over anyway. " I'm sorry Lucy. I'm so sorry. I promised to protect you and you died because of me and I hurt you and now you'll probably never want to see me again and I made you leave the guild so- " I slapped him hard across the face and his eyes flew open. " Lucy, I- " He said and looked up at me. " Natsu shut up. If I forgave Erza and Gray, why would I not forgive you? Besides you didn't force me to do anything. I left because I wanted to. I needed some space. " I said and I felt the tears gathering underneath my eye lid so it was hard to see his face but I could never mistake his smile for anything else.

Natsu beamed at me and the tears that were streaming down his face made the smile hurt even more. He sprang up and hugged me around the waist so that my breasts were shoved up against his face. " I love you, Lucy! " He shouted and I blushed. I squealed as he swung us around in circles and I heard the guild chattering behind us. Frenzied shouts of ' Finally! ' and ' He did it! ' sounded around the guild. 

I heard someone's fist came down hard against a table. I turned to find Zeref standing with his head down and his fist molded into the table beside him. Natsu has stopped spinning by this time and I had a clear view of Zeref. 

Zeref what's wrong? I sent and he growled at me.

What's wrong, love? Do you have to ask? That boy just said he loves you but he was the reason you died in the first place. He was the one who wanted to get you out of the guild originally. No matter what he says I don't trust him. 

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