Forbidden Light

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For the next several weeks I sat in my bedroom and looked out the ever darkening sky. I wondered about Natsu every day. Was he recovering well? Was he recovering at all? If Natsu died would the guild hold me responsible? The endless circle of questions rolled around in my mind. Zeref often brought me food and it soon disappeared due to the creatures in the house or Zeref himself, I couldn't be sure but it always disappeared at the end of the day. Zeref would constantly call to me but I never answered him. His repeated calls for me to eat were slowly diminishing but I could feel his concern for me through our connection. I was beginning to wonder weather he would ask again today but it didn't seem very likely any-


I smirked but it felt like a grimace.

What is it?

You need to eat. You need to move. Your going to petrify and I can't marry a corpse.

I haven't decided if I'm going to marry you at all so don't go making statements that may be null and void tomorrow.

And with that I shut him out again, but he was right, I hadn't moved in over a week. I sat up and slid off the side of the bed. I felt light headed as soon as my feet hit the floor, my body swaying slightly. I held onto the wall as I made my way to the bathroom. I shuffled down the hallway and almost collapsed against the door. I had moved a couple of feet and I was already out of breath. I walked into the room and stood over the sink. I turned to faucet to hot water and splashed it on my face.

I sighed and walked over to the door and headed for the kitchen. I sagged as I walked but I never stopped moving. By the time I reached the kitchen I had the posture of a wilted lily. My hair hung over my face and my back screamed in agony but I couldn't find the strength to pull myself up again. A cool hand placed itself on my spine and another found it's way to my stomach. I was pulled upwards and I looked to see Zeref leaning against the wall with me leaning on his shoulder. " I've got you. Don't worry about anything. " He said and suddenly I was crying and digging my fingers into his shirt.

" I've missed you! I've missed you so much! " I wailed hoarsely into his shoulder and held me as sobbs raked my thin form. Zeref knocked my knees out from underneath me and carried me into the kitchen and sat in a chair while I kept cried. Zeref walked over to the table top and picked a black towel and walked over to me. He tilted my head back so that I was looking down my nose at him. He wiped away the tears that had dripped down my chin and down my blouse. I caught him blushing as he began wipe closer and closer to the edge of my tank top. Zeref finally looked up at me and he smirked.

May I?

Sure. Whatever gets me clean, right? I thought and he laughed mentally at my attempt at humor.

It's good to have you back, Ms.Heartfilia.

Thanks. I don't know if I'm back but it's good to see you too. I've missed you. It was lonely.

I've missed you to, though you could have come see me anytime or talked to me anytime. You just had to open up.

For so long, I thought Natsu was dead. If he was the guild would have come after you already. I just realized that. So thank you for not killing my best friend.

Your welcome. Zeref chuckled in my head and I sighed.

Okay, you gonna clean me up or not? Your hands getting awfully heavy, I noted and Zeref blushed then peeled the straps of my tank top off and yanked it off over my head. I was left in the black bra I had been wearing all week.

Dear Mavis! T-their, h-huge.

I smiled and Zeref looked up again. " I'm sorry. I've just never seen this before and their just... really, really big. Pardon me if I stare. " He said and I giggled at his comment.

Proceed then, sir Zeref. I laughed and he took the cloth and stroked the top side of my left breast. I sat back and let Zeref run his clothed hands up and down my breasts. He didn't attempt to take of my bra with a dismissive ' Wouldn't want to have to clean blood off her after I just cleaned her up. That'll make me want to jump her. '

I smirked and tried very hard not to laugh. Zeref began my mid-drift slowly. He swept the cloth across my stomach several times even when my stomach squeaky clean.

I have to calm myself down. She won't want this forced on her. I told her that I'd give her a choice. I won't do this unless she says okay. Although she didn't say that I couldn't imagine her do what I want.

I saw the erotic images flashing in Zeref's mind and I unconsciously moaned softly. I registered the sound seconds later and looked down to Zeref's flushed face and my own flushed face reflected back in his black eyes. I bit my lip and turned away.

Save it for the wedding night. I thought and I could feel Zeref's shock pulse through him. " Are you sure? Absolutely sure? " Zeref asked hesitantly and I put my hand on top his head. " Yes. The wedding is back on. I thought about it while I was... meditating. It's not fair to hold myself back for a person I could never love. It's not fair to you either when I told you I would marry you, I've made you wait long enough and it's time I made good on my promise. " I finished and Zeref yelped as he pinched his own arm. He jumped up and latched onto my waist, which effectively buried his face in between my breasts.

Did my statement make you that happy? I didn't know I could inspire such loving devotion.

Zeref laughed and buried his head deeper in the chasm between my boobs. My chuckle was cut off as I stifled a moan. I felt Zeref inhale and he sighed. " You smell amazing, Lucy. " He breathed and then released me and his head appeared again.

I'll wait for you. As long as you want. You can have anything you want.

I want a wedding with my Fairy Tail friend , weather they were loyal to me or not. I want to tell them again but the wedding has to be the next day. Just in case anything happens and I get mad at you, I'll be mad at my husband, not just Zeref. " I said and he beamed at me.  " Let's go then. Off to Fairy Tail, my worst nightmare, your dream family. What a messed pair we are, huh? You can't live without them, I'd rather they weren't in your life. " Zeref huffed and I laughed at him.

" If it wasn't for them, I'd never have met you. You still wish I'd never joined Fairy Tail? " Before he could answer I planted my mouth on his and he blinked before pulling my face closer to his. We kissed until I was out of breath and Zeref's face was flushed as I'm sure mine was too. " If I had to search for you myself I'd still have found you. I love you, Lucy. Always and forever. I love every hair on your head, every cell in your entire being. I love you and that's never going to change. " He said and I felt my cheeks start to burn. " Okay, I love you too. Now come on romeo, let's go conquer a wave of angry relatives. " I said cheerily and he groaned but kissed my nose and picked me up in his arms. I smiled and swayed in his arms as he carried me into my future, one filled with love and everything that awaited us.

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