Meditation in the Stars

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Side Note: Before we begin, I just want to clear up a few things. Lucy, Zeref and the rest of the characters so far are on a secluded island that hovers about 600 miles above and  beyond Earth land, a place the dragon's have deemed worthy of their residence. In the chapter Dawn of the Celestial Dragon, two odd characters are mentioned: Kyo-chan and Rumi-chan. Both characters will be re-introduced in this chapter, along with some of their history. They both become important characters for the next 2-5 chapters. Had to write this just so nobody was confused. Now... on with the story!!Hope you enjoy!

\( >.<)/ Sammy says: Read on Readers!

I sat on the edge of my windowsill, lost in my thoughts as I waved my wings back and forth in the breeze. I tapped my claws on my chin as I started to rock back and forth on the ledge. " Lucy-nee!! " I looked up to see a mess of pure white hair before being tackled out of the window by a shrieking ball of happiness. As soon as I realized I was no longer on solid ground my wings began to beat hard, and harder still to accommodate the extra weight that had attached itself to my neck.

I pried tiny hands off my neck to reveal a very dirty, pale face. " I found you, Nee-Chan ! " The little girl screeched and hugged me again, cutting off my air supply as she squeezed tighter and tighter. " RUMI!! Let go of her highness! You're crushing her throat! " I heard a familiar voice shout from the window. I looked up to see a boy, not much older than me stretching out his hand to us. I flew closer to him and he immediately collected the child from my arms. " But I want to spend time with Nee-Chan, Kyo! Loke-sama keeps hiding her from me!! " The girl whined and reached for me again but I backed away from the window as Kyo pulled his upper body along with the little girl back in through the window.

" Perhaps it's best that we leave, Lucy-nee-sama. " He said and when I nodded he gave a quick nod back and turned on his heel, stalking away towards the door. For some reason or another, I got the feeling that he was angry with me. I shook my head and flew away from the window, away from the ear piercing screaming that was coming from inside the room. A black shadow cast over head and immediately I dove, just barely avoiding a claw to the head. I flipped on my back and saw my uncle diving after me.

I turned back around and spiraled in the air so that I was now above him, performing a curving arch so that I was on his back. He beat his wings, once, twice, a third time and we were back on the ground again. " Good girl. You have perfected the spiral. Well done. " He said and I smiled as best I could but the look on his face told me he knew something was off.

 " You look like you want to ask a question, little one. Ask it. If I cannot give the answer then find Loke but for now you may question me. " He said and relaxed on the grass, crossing his thick, muscled forearms in front of him and resting his massive muzzle on top.

" Who is that little girl that's always around the... boy version of me? " I asked and chuckled at the  striking resemblance between that boy and I. Acnologia chuckled and stretched his back as he sat in front of me, resembling a sunbathing cat. " It appears that my ward is once again, with holding information from his queen. " He said and I sighed. " Zeref and I talked about this and we agreed that whatever I don't know yet... is for my benefit. If I don't know it then someone will tell me later or not at all. " I sighed and folded my arms over my chest and waited for his reply.

" That is a very apt decision on your part. However... those two make up the remainder of your family highness. You do not have one sister, but two. You also have a half brother. He is of your mother's side, hence the resemblance you two share. " Acnologia said and began to examined his claws as my world was shaken to it's very core once again. " I have a... half brother? And... another... sister? " I asked in a daze. It was starting to dawn on me just how much my mother hadn't been able to tell me before she died. " Kyomizu or 'Kyo' for short is your older brother of two years. Rumi is your younger sister of five years. You, Melody, Rumi, and Kyomizu are stair step children, Kyo being born first, you following suit two years after, Melody a year after that and Rumi almost a full year before the attack. Kyo is 18 and Rumi has just turned 12.

I don't know if she told you but, Melody is 16 as of last month. You are closer to each of them than you know. Your mother and Father hide all four of your quit well, she hid you, her crown jewel, quite well. She knew that you would be the one to succeed her as Queen, since your brother lacks Dragon slaying magic. Both your sisters possess the gene however and should you ever fail in your duties as queen, the second oldest sister, Melody, will take your place as queen. She will not inherit your powers but she will inherit your throne. " He said calmly and I nodded though I wasn't really paying him any attention.

" Lucy? " He asked but I already gone, my body gone as my mind broke free of it's cage. I was rising and rising and running from the fear that seemed to lock my mind in a steel box. I flew and flew and flew up and up and up until I couldn't breath anymore. I dove, my body hurtling towards the ground as I continued to float around aimlessly in my free falling body. " Lucy!! LUCY!!! " My eyes fluttered as a strange voice called my name from the ground. 

 My half brother stood beneath me, his arms extended underneath my body. Then he leaped into the air. And kept leaping. Clear plates of air appeared beneath his feet as we got closer to each other. He caught my body in a sweeping arch, swinging me sideways as we fell together, the speed of my body forcing  us both to fall again. We suddenly stopped mid air and he grunted beneath me when we hit a platform of air.

Kyomizu smiled and staggered to his feet, with me still in his arms, before he fell again, forward this time. My body hit the plate of air and his face landed on my left breast since his arms were caught underneath my body. He blushed and yanked his arms free one at a time before he drew my body into his lap, resting my head on his shoulder. " Hello, Sister. " He said and stroked my hair as he rocked us back and forth. I noticed that we were moving when I felt a light wind over my face. I turned my head to see that Kyo was moving us towards my bedroom window. Suddenly we were falling again, my body falling over Kyo's. He laughed and whooped until he hit another platform and caught me before I could hit him again.

He smiled down at me before coming to a complete stop in front of my bedroom window. Rumi sat in the middle of my bed, curled in on herself as she clutch a bleach white teddy bear to her chest. Kyo slipped through the window before sliding me through and carrying me to my bed. He sat down next to our little sister, still cuddling me to his chest. " Would you like me to put you down? " He asked and for some reason my chest hurt when he said that. I shook my head and the pain immediately disappeared. He smiled and petted the top of my head before looking at the light switch by the wall. Suddenly the room was dark and I closed my eyes as what felt like a heavy blanket was placed over my body.

A fog began to cloud my mind, my body beginning to shut down as he continued to pet the top if my head.

" Sleep moya lyubov' "( my love ) I could feel myself slipping into soothing blackness as sleep claimed me but I couldn't get a single thought out of my mind.

I know that voice.


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