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Warning! Warning! This chapter contains a slightly lemony scene! Skip to the end if you do not wish to reads it! Safe part will be indicated by stars.

I woke up wrapped up in soft white sheets and it confused me for a second. I rubbed my eyes and stretch then froze. I had broken almost every bone in my body yesterday. I should be dead. Then I started to remember. I had woken in the arms of... Zeref. Holy crap. And I had basically agreed to marry him without actually saying the words. I had agreed to be his in exchange for his healing me. I closed my eyes and rolled over and came into contact with a warm body. I flattened my hands against it and snuggled closer before realizing who I was snuggling up against. Zeref's arm wrapped around my stomach before I had a chance to move. " Stay here for a little bit longer. You're very warm and I'm cold at the moment.

Zeref didn't feel cold, I leaned a little farther into him though. He smelled like spice and herb. I had expected him to be cold to any living thing he came into contact with. He was surprisingly sweet. Zeref squeezed me and then laughed. " Thank you. You're surprisingly loving and strong for someone who has friend like those in Fairy Tail with a few exceptions. " He said and I threw his arm off of me. " Where's the bathroom? " I asked coldly. He didn't get to judge them. He didn't even know them.

I don't need to know them. I know you. Or at least I'm trying to. Anyhow the bathroom is down the hallway to the left.

Zeref's voice in my head was really creepy. I swallowed and walked down the hallway. His house was incredibly cute. The walls were a light blue color with  tiny white rose print. The floor was wooden but not one of the boards was out of place. I walked until I came to a white door with golden B painted on it and stepped through the door. A rack of white towels short and long alike hung against the wall. The tub was big enough for two people and I peeled off my tattered clothes. How had I looked to Zeref when he was carrying me?

You looked incredibly sexy. I wanted to eat you.

I shrieked for a couple of seconds thinking that he was in the room with me and then I realized that it was all in my head. Literally. I sighed.


Yes, love? He asked sweetly and as I rolled my eyes, I felt like smacking him.

Then come out here and do it.

Your in the room all the way down the hallway and I'm not leaving this bathroom. Not for you.

Then I'm coming to you. Besides I'm not that far away.

It took me a couple of seconds to realize what he'd said and Zeref used that time to embrace me from behind. His hands wrapped around my waist his hands landing on my hips. " I still want to eat you, Lucy. " He said and i wriggled in his arms, his manhood pressed into my lower back. I heard him purr in my right ear and it sent a shiver down my spine. He wiggled against me and I dropped to a crouch in front of him and rolled away from him towards the door. " What do you think you're doing Zeref? You may have saved my life but I don't owe you anything . " I said nervously but Zeref simply smiled down at me.

Like you said earlier you basically agreed to marry so you do owe me something. And don't forget I saved your life. You owe me... everything. " He said and I huffed. Then I thought of something. I sprang at Zeref and he caught me around the waist. I pushed my breasts into his face and wiggled slightly on his abdomen.  I spread my thighs slightly and began to straddle him. " Okay. So I owe you. But can you handle this? " I asked in a whisper and trailed my tongue down the side of his ear. Zeref shivered underneath me. I smirked and rolled off him. He caught my hand and I turned back to look at him. Zeref's face was flushed and he was breathing heavily.

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