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Draco Malfoy' pov

I ran as fast I could with two babies strapped to me it was hard. The babies were heavy too. The war was over but someone had found out about little Riddle and I couldn't have the little child dieing.

I don't know who the wizard was. But she had her wand raised at a child just because of his blood. I knew I shouldn't have killed her. But I was too far gone when I saw the wand pointed at the little child.

I had not realized that I had wrapped my hands around her neck and squeezed but that wasn't working and she hit me. So I took a dagger and cut her throat open. I had not ment to do it, but she was bent on killing me and the two children. I was scared and I didn't want any harm to befall the two youngs. I had no wand to do magic, I no longer felt like a wizard. But I knew I still was one. My wand was confiscated by the Ministry. That was the only way I wasn't sent to Azkaban. When I ran I didn't leave the dagger there, I took it with me. I strapped it onto my thigh into its holster with its cover on.

I saw the end of the forest. But I saw an opening and without thinking I had stepped though. I felt it was safe and so I decided in that moment that it was worth the risk. Right after I stepped through the place closed up and I knew that this may have been a good choice.

I had kept them safe. I had kept my promise. I had not let the little ones get hurt. I had left because I had killed her. I knew someone will find out and it was better that I left and they never found out the existence of a Snape and Riddle.

I loosened the straps of the clothing I had made to strap the two children to me. I lowered young Snape down to the floor and he stirred awake. I slowly and carefully got young Riddle from my back and placed him on the ground. And then I fell beside them and lost my conscience because of exhaustion. The children could not crawl yet and that was a good thing.

Anton Xarya' pov

"Alpha an omega is on our territory." My gamma/friend said as he entered my office.

"Is it just that he has been sensed or did someone go and check Salem." I asked him as I stood up from my chair and stretched.

"No one has checked yet." My beta/best friend said as he entered.

"Let's go then." I said and right as we walked out of the pack house we took of our clothes and changed into our wolves and ran.

I could smell the strong omega scent even from here. I could tell that his emotion were haywire which resulted in his scent being offered like candy to young pups.

He was baking someone's scent I could tell, and it seemed like he didn't know he was doing it from the way his scent was distributed. It could be his instinct.

We shifted back to out human form before we saw the omega. It was an unspoken law that any dominant person cover themselves before walking into an omegas presence. It is to keep modesty and make sure the omega doesn't feel intimidated or uncomfortable. The law usually applies to new omegas, and it doesn't matter if they are naked around omegas who are comfortable with it. But whenever an outside omega visits, it is important to keep modesty. Even if the omega is a danger.

After dressing up we started to walk towards the omega. We had out clothes around our ankles. We had wrapped them there before we had shifted. We had some warriors join us as we had walked.

"Who do you think the omega is?" Salem asked.

"Who knows which side he comes from." I replied and smiled as I sensed more omegas join us. It was good that my pack was smart and knew to inform the omegas so they could join and probably keep the intruding omega calm.

When I saw the body. I realized it was a male omega and there was two babies near him. I could smell blood and he started to retract his scent. He was unconscious. The babies were calm and just layed there.

I caught the scent of blood and I stopped in my tracks. I knew it wasn't his blood. I started to speed walk and when I reached the omega I slowly turned him on his back so I could look at his face. His front was covered in blood and there tear tracks that had dried.

"He is beautiful." Asmodeus, my beta said as he looked down at the male with pure adoration on his face.

"He has blood on him." I said and stepped back but my friend didn't move. I noticed the omega twitch.

"Alpha he is barefooted." An omega whispered behind me and I looked down to the feet of the omega and saw his feet were bloodied from probably walking on sharp stones.

I looked back up to see Asmodeus reaching for one of the babies and in one swift movement the omega had pushed Asmodues away and had a dagger at his throat. I walked forward and when he noticed me he pointed his dagger at me but I grabbed it out of his hands and threw it away and pushed him down and walked to the babies just to see what he would do.

I heard rustling and then a rock was thrown at my head. And that is when there were growls and everyone took a threatening step forward but the little omega didn't cower like all omegas do. A few words were whispered and I was thrown across the field and I slammed right into a tree. I also noticed my beta being thrown to another tree.

"No." I said when I noticed that they were ready to attack the young omega.

Authors note

Updated on: 22 July 2021

Word count:

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