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Third pov

There was five people sat around the dining table. Everyone else was in the other room, wondering who the man with Marvolo was. While Marvolo' siblings were wondering at what time they would die.

"So. Who are you?" Neville asked after a tense two minutes.

"Alphonse. Marvolo' husband." He replied and Fred's eyes widened.

"I just wanted to tell you guys I am pregnant." Marvolo quickly said, gathering all his confidence.

"Congratulations?" Neville asked.

"Yes. Congrats dad." Alphonse suddenly said and then pulled the hand bag closer to him and took out three pairs of baby shoes and threw each pair at one of them. The shoes hit Neville in the face while the other two caught them.

"What?" Neville asked while picking up the shoes.

"You are going to be a dad." Marvolo whispered and the three of them looked at him with shock written over their faces.

"It is triplets and he is three months along." Right after Alphonse said that the three hit the floor out cold.

"???." Marvolo looked down at the three with a confused look on his face.

Alphonse stood up and pointed to the door and Marvolo just nodded as he stood up and walked over to the living room and everyone stared up at him.

"You killed them?" Everest asked and Niklaus looked at him with a frown.

"Yes I did. They just died from my words." Alphonse said with a deadpanned look on his face.

"They are not dead. Just passed out." Marvolo said as he walked into the room and sat down on the couch beside Harry who moved away a little bit.

"Why?" Matteo asked, nearing Marvolo but quickly stepped back when Alphonse glared at him.

"Alphonse get me chocolate from the car." Right after Marvolo made the request, Alphonse was out the door to please his Luna.

"I am pregnant." Marvolo mumbled.

"Already?" Everest asked.

"I got pregnant before the wedding. But Alphonse has agreed to take the responsibility of the children. We got married the day I went back." Marvolo told them and fidgeted around.

"Those three got you pregnant?" James asked in shock.



Nine years. It has been nine years since that day. What happened after that was history. Happiness did knock at their door.

Everyone was happy. They moved away. They got married.

Albus Potter and Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy married and adopted a child. Kol never married or even fell in love. He had sex but never felt love for another person romantically. He did adopt a young girl though.

Niklaus and Everest never thought about marrying. Though everyone knew that the two had something going between them. They slept together but never revealed much to others. Love was there and will always be there.

Matteo, James and Teddy had already welcomed six babies in sets of two. They were not gonna have anymore babies anymore though. But they were young so there are chances they have more.

Marvolo, Neville, Fred, Louis and Alphonse had just gotten married. They truly are a big family filled with love and object throwing at each other. They all lived on the other side because for them it was more of a home then any other place.

Anton, Asmodeus and Salem were happily training the next alpha, beta and gamma to soon take over their position.

Harry, Ron and Draco had lived and loved. They had stayed together for years. And now they are dead. And funny thing when they died life went on. They may have been the main characters, but they had to die at one point. Every characters story ends when they die. And with or without the main character Life Goes On.


Authors note.

I know abrupt ending. But I was bored with the story and wanted to get over with it. And now it is done. I am not guilty for ending it like this though. If you have any requests then do tell me and I can write a one shot for you.

Sorry for not updating, u forgot that I didn't update this.

Please refrain from copying.

Updated on: 25 December 2021

Word count:

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