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Anton Xarya' pov

"Let's get this done with." I whispered as I put on my gloves and lubed up my fingers.

"Are you a virgin?" Asmodeus asked as he pushed Draco's hair out of his face.

"No I am not a virgin." He replied and I hummed as I pressed my finger on his privates. He jumped and pushed my hand away and I didn't force him. We had to get him talking and if he gets comfortable enough to let me touch him then I will proceed.

"When was the last time you had sex?" I asked and I heard the clicking of a pen. I knew Salem was collecting information, we had to do this to every member once they were of age, or if they were new.

"Two months ago." He replied and I nod and slowly move his body to face me. He had legs clenched together.

"Who was it?" I asked and he looked sad. I think I shouldn't have asked that asked that question.

"I wouldn't tell the names. But I would tell you that it was two men." He relied and I smile and put my hand on his thigh and spreads his legs open.

"Can I?" I ask and this time he nodded without hesitation.

"But before you do so can you tell me what exactly you are going to do. And why you have to do it." He requested and I smiled, liking his need to know. Most omegas wouldn't dare ask anything of an alpha. While this omega decides what he wants to happen and what he wants to ask and answer.

"We do this for a lot of reasons. First one being to see if you are pregnant. And to see what your second gender exactly is. And how fertile you are. How strong your babies will be. How healthy you are. And to see if you could carry an alpha. The alpha position doesn't go father to child. An omega births an alpha, with no blood relationship to the alpha. All the answers are in the cum of the omega. We usually have the partner of the omega get the cum but some are an exception. And we have had many unsuccessful attempts of making people with vaginas cum. Let's hope we can make you cum fast and we don't have to go to extreme measures." I lowly said and and he blushed.

"What do you mean by extreme measures?" Draco asked.

"We start putting our mouths and hands on you with your permission of course, to get you worked up. The longest someone has lasted in this office is thirty minutes. And that is the reason we don't get in a relationship with someone of the outside group that could get jealous. The three of us are together by the way. There is seven packs in the world that specializes in this and we are the ones that have appointments with the others to see their status. The other packs alphas have mates but we don't for this specific reason. Everyone goes through this." I said and he nodded hesitantly.

"You have nothing to worry about Draco." Salem said and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Do you want to lay down?" I asked and he hesitantly nodded.

I backed him up onto the bed and layed him down. He spread his legs open and I climbed on top of him and sat between his legs.

We had a comfortable enough bed and we always placed a spare cloth underneath the bottoms of the omegas. He blushed and then looked away from me.

I slowly placed my hands on his thigh and massaged him. I lubed my gloved fingers again and pressed one of my fingers in which he hissed a little at.

Draco Malfoy' pov

His fingers were thick. I felt a sharp sting when he pressed his finger in. I hadn't felt soo good in a long time. He pushed in until his knuckles and then pulled back out.

It was easier to not moan at the start. But as the speed increased my moans came out involuntary. He sped up even more and I pulled my legs up. I looked into his eyes for the first time and he smiled warmly at me.

I looked at the clock across the room to see that ten minutes had already passed. It was then that another finger pressed into me. Two fingers were in me and I gasped cause that man had long and thick fingers. His pace was brutal and then he slowed down and I felt another finger join into the torture.

I looked up to see it was Asmodeus. He started to rub at my clit and I almost screamed.

It was all getting too much. I reached down to try and pull Asmodeus' hands away but couldn't. He smiled and then stopped but at the loss I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Please don't stop." I pleaded and internally cringed.

Malfoys don't beg. I shouldn't be acting like this but I couldn't handle it. For some reason I was a little too horny and pleased at having three men surrounding me.

My eyes wandered back to the clock and it took me awhile to make sense of the clock. It had almost been thirty minutes.

I felt my shirt being unbuttoned and looked down to see Salems soft looking hands on my chest. He had gotten my shirt open and now had his hands going up and down on my chest.

He then pinched my chest and I gasped in shock and arched my back, which allowed Antons fingers to go in deeper. Salems started to play with my nipples and I writhed.

My chest had grown in size from the day when I was fucked silly by those two men. I quickly shook my head to get their thought out of my head. But i started to feel guilty. I loved them. Those two men will forever be my first love. Maybe they will be my last lovers too. The guilt didn't come at first because I knew they were just doing their healer business but now I felt like I was cheating on them. But then they are also cheating on me.

I shook as the tingling went through my body. I tried to close my thighs but was unsuccessful. I gasped and my breathing got erratic. I looked to see Anton scoop my cum into a vial.

I smiled as I heard words of praise being whispered and my name following behind them. I closed my eyes in a haze. I felt guilty but I knew I didn't need to. But guilt was still there. As I fell asleep I saw their faces. I don't when I had fallen in love with the wizards of the light side, but I had.

Authors note

Updated on: 12 August 2021

Word count:

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