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Draco Malfoy' pov

I didn't know what I had just done. But I had felt my magic go haywire and then both men near me were slammed into trees. I lent down and picked up my babies. I couldn't just stand there when there is so many people surrounding me.

"Don't you dare even think of hurting my babies." I threatened as I pulled them to my chest.

"We will not dare to hurt any of them. But dear you need to tell us who you are. And where is your husband?" The male that had tried to touch Riddle and Snape said as he stepped closer.

"I have no husband. My name is Draco. And do not step close to me or I would kill." I replied because I knew I was outnumbered. If they decided I was a danger to them, then they could easily take me down. Plus their bodies were built and they were bigger then they should be. I wonder what they feed on.

"You do not a have a husband. Yet you have children." Their accent wasn't British I could tell. He had a tough edge to his voice and it was extremely deep. Everytime he spoke I wanted to submit and not look at him but my stubborn and prideful self kept on staring at him.

"Introduce yourselves." I commanded as I took a cautious step back when someone took a step forward.

"You are an omega. Yet you command. You would remain here because the other packs need an omega that has an iron fist and would be able to calm alphas down with glares instead of submission. You would bring chaos. I am Anton Xarya. Alpha of Blue Moon pack." I didn't understand what an omega was but I didn't ask. I would do so later though.

"I am Asmodeus. Beta of Blue Moon pack. It is good to see an omega like you." He said and I nodded.

"I am Salem of Blue Moon pack. I am the gamma. And I welcome you to the beauty of the forest. Would you kindly please inform us of what creature you are, cause I tried to identify but I couldn't?" He asked and my eyebrows dipped down in confusion.

"I do not understand." I whispered as I looked between them.

"We have to get you and your babies tested if you do not know what you are. Only beings of creature are born here. If you have no other being, then that is wrong." Asmodeus said and I felt threatened at the way he was looking at me.

"I am a wizard." I said trying to understand what they meant by testing.

"A wizard is no creature. A wizard is no other being. You do not seem to understand what a creature is. You have to have another different entity in you to survive here." Anton said as he looked me up and down.

"I do not know what an omega is." I snapped.

"Anton I think we need to get him to the hospital. His feet are bleeding and he looks way too thin." Salem said and then I felt a hand on my shoulder which resulted in me jerking away and almost tripping.

"I am so sorry. I will not touch you. But let's go."

I followed them and looked behind myself to see that there was no opening. I had read about a section of the world where we came from. My family came from this place. The ancient book was burned a few years ago so no one could find out about my downstairs problem.

Anton Xarya' pov

We had already patched up Draco' wounds and he had hesitantly let the children be put in the nursery. The two babies were calm and now sleeping in the nursery. We had yet to learn their names.

"Draco you have to lose your pants." I said and he gave me a glare as he placed a hand over his privates as if he was already naked.

"No." He said and moved back.

"Draco we have to know what your secondary gender is. The scent can sometimes mess with people. You may not be an omega and be classified one. I want to what second gender is. You look like an omega but I need to see down there." I said and he slowly moved his hands.

"I would make an omega do this but the pack leader has to do this. I am sorry that Asmodeus and Salem have to be here too. They are here to help me. We would get this done with very fast." I said and he slowly pulled his pants down but made sure his shirt covered his privates.

I felt bad that I had to do this. But I had to check if the gender is correct and also check if he is pregnant. If he is pregnant then we would have to wait to welcome him into the pack. It would be wrong to bite him while he is pregnant cause he could lose the children. We do have things to see if he is pregnant or not but this is the way it has to be done first. It is a rule because a curse was placed on the supernaturals that if the baby was not first revealed by the cum, then the baby would die, and if has happened a lot. We have to first do the cum test and then we can use the mechanical stuff if we want to. Out goddess really is a bitch for that one, but she is amazing in everything else to be honest.

"Don't act shocked." He said as he pulled his shirt up and my eyes widened as I looked down at the folds.

He had a boypussy not a penis. I looked back at my friends and their eyes were also wide as they stared down at his privates. Asmodeus gulped and looked down and clenched his jaw like he was trying to stop himself from touching.

"You smell like a male omega. I have read about this. An ancient families males were all omegas with vaginas. They were very fertile. They are the ones who live in poly relationships because of their strong needs and their abilities to calm. But they also had powerful minds and were cunning, and will do a lot of things for personal and for their families gain. Are you by any chance a Malfoy?" Salem asked.

"Yes." Draco whispered while looking down.

Authors note.

Updated on: 12 August 2021

Word count:

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