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Harry Potter' pov

"Let's go. We can't be late." I said as Ginny was trying to tame my hair.

"We have to look good. We are going to be meeting his professors too. And it is their last day. So it's better we look good for his special day of leaving Hogwarts behind." Ginny said and Ron laughed.

"Why are even coming?" I asked and he gave me an offended look.

"He is my nephew. I am not gonna miss his graduation." He said and I shook my head.

Mcgonagall had made a tradition that when it was the seventh years last day the parents will go to pick them up and they will have a last day party which the parents can also attend. All the other years too attend the party but the seventh years include the professors in their parties.

And on the last day we talk to the professors. We do talk with them when the children first start but then the next time we meet them is at the end of Hogwarts.

"Is everyone ready?" Hermione asked and we all nodded. We used a floo network to get there cause we can't apparate to Hogwarts.

I looked around Hogwarts and sighed. This is the home that I left. A place where i had finally felt at home. And also a place where I had found my first love. And also the place where I left my first love.

"Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny. Welcome back to Hogwarts." Neville Longbottom said, greeting us with a warm smile.

"Neville." Ginny said and hugged him tightly.

"It is very nice to see you again Ginny." Neville said with a small smile.

"Where should we go?" George asked awkwardly.

"Niklaus and Everest will take you to the area where the party is. The two will be here at any moment." Neville said with a smile and went to greet more people.

"Are these Niklaus and Everest students?" Ron asked Hermione who shook her head.

"I heard their new professors that are teaching the students how to use muggle objects and some things that I don't know about." She said with a shrug.

"Hello. We will be the ones to take you to the hall." A deep, gravelly voice said and I turned around to see a carbon copy of me standing there, he was taller then I was at that age though. And then there was also a boy who looked like Ron but he was young.

The boy with red hair pulled the other closer to him and whispered something in his ear. He rolled his eyes and said rather loudly. "Don't worry I will not eat them if i get angry. But if they anger me then i will give them one good punch." He said and the other pinched him.

"Let's go. We will take you to the Potters and Weasley'." The one with red said and then turned around and started to walk with my look alike following him.

"Who did you two get pregnant?" Ginny asked as we started to follow them.

"I don't know. We only slept with one person before we got married." I said and looked at Ron who looked a little too pale.

Teddy rushed up towards the two and started to talk to the two. But he wasn't very discreet.

"Hey. So James told me about that brother of yours, Matteo. Can you tell me if he is a good man?" He asked and I looked at Ginny and then back towards the three.

"Don't worry Matteo is a very good man. He would treat you both like kings. So don't worry." The one with red hair said.

"What are they talking about?" I wondered out loud.

"Hey. You never told us your names." Hermione stated and the two turned around to look at us with their hands on the handles of the door.

"I am Niklaus Malfoy and he is Everest Malfoy." Niklaus said with an evil grin.

"I am sure you remember him." He said afterwards with his eyes flashing a dangerous red.

"What the?" Ginny asked as she saw them leave.

Draco Malfoy' pov

"They seriously made sure that you will have to meet those two again. Even though you wanted to avoid them." Asmodeus said and then laughed.

"Yeah. Starting to date their half brothers, brother is gonna make me meet them. I have to meet them because it is like a rule that we do meet your child's possible in-laws." I said and Anton laughed and I pushed him.

"Fuckity- fuck." I said as I stared in front of myself. Standing right in front of the doors to hall were stood the Weasley clan and the Potter family.

"Let's just walk in. I want to talk with kiddos." Salem said as he started to walk and I quickly followed.

"Draco..." I looked to my side to see Ron reaching for my wrist but Anton grabbed his hand and his eyes flashed golden. His claws seeping out of his fingers and his mouth open with his canines out.

"Don't you dare. You don't touch our queen." Asmodeus said his fists clenched.

"Anton, Asmodeus back of." I said and they immediately back up. Anton let go of Ron and I looked at his wrist to see blood flowing freely onto the ground.

I took his hand in mine and he let me. I kissed his wound and it slowly started to fix itself. Being an angel allowed you to heal anyone, especially wolf wounds.

"I am sorry. Sometimes they can get territorial." I whispered and backed up. I turned around and started to walk, taking Anton and Asmodeus hands in mine, pulling them together with. But I heard a growl and knew it was Salem. I knew Salem wouldn't do anything stupid so I let him have his fill of growling causs right after that he ran upto us and opened the door.

"Their werewolves." Was what I heard before I was out of ear shot. I knew that it was Bill Weasley who said that because he himself was one.

Authors note

Updated on: 27 August 2021

Word count:

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