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Third pov

The man had been very angry. Marvolo doesn't know how he was able to convince the man to not punish his brothers. But he only forgave them on one condition. The condition was that Marvolo marry him when he was of age, and that he would remain a virgin till their wedding night. But Marvolo has now broken the promise by losing his virginity.

Draco layed in bed, staring up at the ceiling. He was worried for Marvolo. Draco wringed his hands together and sighed. He was back in the supernatural land and was waiting for the alphas to arrive. He had only brought back Marvolo, all the other stayed back. Anton, Asmodeus and Salem were in the office waiting for the alphas.

He finally stood up and walked out of his room and down to the office. When he walked in his eyes first fell on Marvolo who was sat down in his chair. His eyes were red and there was tear tracks going down his face. The make up he had applied to at least pretty for the alpha was now messed.

Draco walked up to him and did a wandless spell which fixed his make up immediately. Marvolo looked up at him and then quickly looked away in shame. Draco sat down away from Marvolo.

"Alpha..." Marvolo stood up from his chair and whispered when he entered the office.

He looked angry. He already knew. Alphonse walked to his seat and sat down and his friends joined him. Anton, Asmodeus and Salem silently took their seats and watched the other group settle down.

"Alpha Alphonse I am very sad to inform you of Marvolo not being pure anymore. He was drunk alpha. I wish for you to understand. I think it is best in both of our favours that you call of the marriage." Draco stood up from his chair and politely spoke.

"Do you take me for such a nice man?" Alphonse asked with a sickly sweet smile.


"No. You will not dare to speak." Alphonse yelled, cutting of Marvolo who flinched at the loud voice.

"Alphonse. I respect you. But don't raise your voice while I am in this room." Draco said.

"Sorry. But I am not going to call of this wedding. And instead of waiting for a whole another month, we are gonna marry today, unless you love someone." Alphonse said and then reached across the table and held Marvolo' hand. Marvolo looked down.

"Marvolo make your decision." Asmodeus whispered softly.

"I will marry you. I have not loved anyone. I may have slept with them but I have no love for them." Marvolo whispered.

"If you marry me Marvolo then all your children will be mine. If you have gotten pregnant, then they will take my name. They will not take their real fathers surname. They will be my heir. Promise me they will be my heir." Alphonse pleaded.

Marvolo looked at him with wide eyes. He couldn't believe that the alpha was pleading with him.

"If I am with child, will they get to meet their real fathers?" Marvolo mumbled out the question.

"I wouldn't dare to take that away from them. But will you allow them to take my name?"

"Yes. They will take your name alpha Alphonse." Marvolo said with a soft smile.

It had been three months since Marvolo. Three months since he had gotten pregnant. Three months since he had left the wizarding world. Threem months since he had met up with the children's fathers.

Draco had returned to the wizarding world. But he refused to tell people about where Marvolo was. He didn't tell his children because they would want to tell their new boyfriends. But Draco did tell Harry and Ron.

The Malfoy with the Riddle there they had went to find their grandparents and some their parents. They had successfully found them. Matteo was shocked to see his son after soo long. Matteo had thought that his son was dead. And they had looked for Lucius Malfoy who was also in the muggle world, looking for his sons and also looking for Matteo. Lucius had cried when he had seen his sons but sad that one of his son wasn't there, and also wonder why Draco wouldn't tell him. Severus had also awakened from his coma.

All of them were happy but Severus was sad he didn't get to see his son.

Draco would go to Marvolo and ask if he was doing good or not. And if he wanted to come and meet the babies fathers again. But he refused because he wanted to please his husband before he asked to travel. But unbeknownst to him, Alphonse would have let him go.

Right now they were stood before Anton. Marvolo had finally gotten the nerve to go and meet the three. Draco had informed them that the three would be put in one place so he could talk with them at once.

"Alphonse we know you take good care of him, but I know your anger issues. Please take care of Marvolo, he is with child so keep your anger in control and your hands in your pockets. Or you will have a pack after you." Anton warned.

"I wouldn't hurt him." Alphonse promised and the two left.

The two were soon standing in front of the Weasley house. Alphonse wrapped one of his hand around Marvolo protectively. Marvolo blushed a little bit.

They had done more then just touching. They had had sex after two weeks into their marriage and Draco had returned to the wizards. For Marvolo it was something clearly new and he had blushed a lot. Marvolo had crushed on Alphonse way before the marriage contract.

The two started to like each other after marriage. And Marvolo in his pregnant state had thrown a cup at him while Alphonse was in a meeting. The alphas had gotten scared and looked at Alphonse, terrified of him bursting into flames and burning them all. But Alphonse had shocked them by cautiously asking Marvolo what was wrong. And Marvolo just told him that he had not gotten his ice cream and that the wet, bath towel was still on the bed.

Authors note

Updated on: 08 September 2021

Word count:

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