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Draco Malfoy' pov

"Goodmorning class." I said as all the students I had were settled.

It was just my luck and it was the fifth year class, meaning Kol and Scorpius were here too. I looked over the students and my eyes landed on two certain people. A red head in gryffindor and the other had messy hair and was in slytherin. Scorpius and Kol were stood beside the gryffindor and slytherin.

Kol and Scorpius were a drunken mistake. But it didn't feel like they were any less.

All the houses were here. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. It wasn't suppose to be like this but it is. The classroom was also very big and it was one person per table but I could join them if I wanted them to do group work.

"You all can sit wherever you want. But make too much noise and I will change you or make sit beside my table." I said and everyone scurried in and started to take seats beside their friends. I saw this gryffindor girl sit behind the slytherin boy and Kol sat beside the girl and Scorpius sat beside the boy and gave him a gleaming smile.

"Today we will be talking what other beings or second beings are..."

Matteo Riddle' pov

"Our first class is with 7th years and I was told it is only gryffindors. I was informed by Neville Longbottom that there is a few in the group that are very rowdy. And only having gryffindors is a death sentence." Marvolo said and I pulled him into my arms and he glared at me.

"We will get along just fine with them." I said and he gave me a death glare and I laughed and let him go.

"Just cause I am an omega doesn't mean that you can put your hands on me Matteo." He glowered at me and pushed me away.

"I am sorry. I will not tease you like that anymore." I said and stepped away from him.

His Malfoy beauty was shining through. I was told the he looks just like his father but is much smaller and has the Malfoy beauty. I know that papa has most shining Malfoy beauty because of his eyes and almost white hair, and his skin too.

"I wonder if we would get to meet our real parents." Marvolo said as he leaned on the desk.

"We can't be sure. We should ask papa." I said and he nodded.

"They are late." He said as he looked at the tempus.

Five minutes later students were starting to walk in. But they just stood there confused when they didn't see any desks or chairs. There were mats layed on the floor and that was it.

"Are we sleep?" A student with red hair asked as he jumped on top of a mat.

"No. Everyone sit on top of a mat." Marvolo said as he handed me wooden cane.

I remember when we were learning combat and our teachers will have a cane to scare us. The funny thing is one of our teachers was Asmodeus. And they would always land one smack on our hands when we would annoy them too much. The canes were usually used to correct our posture though.

"Knees on the mat and bum on your heels. Your shoulders back and your back straight. Today we will discuss how exercise helps us. And we are gonna give you notes." I said as Marvolo went around the room giving every student two printed papers filled with notes.

"Did you write these?" A student asked with wonder filled in his voice.

"I printed them. I am sure you will learn about it when you go to Niklaus and Everest' class. But here we are not teaching you about that. So don't ask me about it." Marvolo said and then placed the papers that were left back on the desk. All of us were going to teach all of them the same thing for their first day.

I started to explain to them everything on the papers there wasn't many interruptions except when someone commented on something they thought was funny. But all hell broke lose when we started to make them do stretches.

"I don't like this." A student cried out as as Marvolo tried to get her to touch her toes.

"I am not doing it." A student said defiantly and my anger took over and I speed walked towards him and got behind him and snaked a hand around his waist pulled him back and pushed him from his neck which resulted in him bending down.

The whole class went silent as I held the boy in place.

"You are doing it." I said as I saw his fingers almost touching his toes.

"Matteo you have got quite a situation here. Your- that is right on his..." Marvolo trailed of and I looked down to realize what he was saying and immediately let go of the boy.

"I am so sorry." I apologized and he looked up at me with a blush on his face.

"James you are blushing." A red haired girl teased from beside me.

"Shut up Roxanne." He growled and stomped his feet and looked away from me.

Cute. I thought to myself and walked to the front with a small smile on my face. I would have to meet him after class.

Niklaus Malfoy' pov

"Hello class." Everest said with a big smile on his face. There was a chorus of hellos and goodmornings.

Our first class was with 3rd year ravenclaw' and gryffindors. Everyone was sat on their chairs with their quils and parchments but those things were going to be changed.

"Okay everyone. We will not be using parchment and quill. We will be using pen and paper in this class. When you can write two full pages of a short story then you will be able to move onto the laptops and we will teach you the basic of IT." Everest said and smiled at all of them.

A student with red hair raised her hand up and Everest pointed at her and said she can ask away.

"You look a lot like uncle Ron. Are you related to him?" She asked and Everest looked at me and then back at her.

"Umm I don't really know who you are talking about. So I can't exactly answer that." He said and then gave her a small apologetic smile.

"And you look like daddy. Exactly like him actually." The bag of meat said and then lowered her hand down and frowned.

"Don't care about him." I said and then started to give them a pen and a notebook each.

Authors note

Sorry for all the pov changes.

Updated on: 27 August 2021

Word count:

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