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Third pov

"We have to leave. When my family finds out they would be angry. If they don't see me then they will not take their anger out on me. Take me to your house, please." Marvolo had begged the two Weasley'. They had not asked any questions and took him to their grandparents' house. Neville had to stay at Hogwarts though.

They let him stay there. Marvolo seemed to have forgotten that his family was made up of creatures. And a royal omegas parent will know exactly where he was and they will be there to make sure he doesn't get killed by that alpha he had made a dumb promise to.

Everyone had parted ways with promises of meeting again. Harry, Ron and Draco had already made plans of meeting each other in two weeks time and sending letters to each other.

Matteo, James and Teddy had decided that they will meet again after Matteo came back from his home. Matteo didn't want to leave them but he knew he had to because he wanted to go back to his home and fly freely, hunt without worry and be able to run in the forest with the wolves again.

Niklaus and Everest had talked with their fathers a little bit. Albeit it was awkward. They were sure they will get used to the them. They had done nothing interesting other then running in the forest at night. And Niklaus having the biggest urge to tear a wizard in half and eat him or her. Gender didn't matter to Niklaus but Everest had stopped him.

Scorpius didn't wish to leave Albus. Those two had not done anything stupid. They had just cuddled in bed and talked.

Kol had walked around Hogwarts and then just slept in his dorm room. And had also gotten up to eat snacks in the middle of the night. He didn't cause any type of trouble. That poor boy did not know of what was brewing in his oldest omega brothers life.

Fred and Louis were sat with Marvolo in Fred's room that was in their grandparents house. Everyone had a room in Molly and Arthur's house. They always stay there for Holidays or after one of them graduates from Hogwarts or if something interesting has happened.

"Why are you so worried? You just lost your virginity not an important jewel." Fred said in frustration after he watched Marvolo pace around the room after looking at watch and prayed while pacing.

"My virginity is an important jewel. Every omegas virginity is a jewel to them. Virginity is the pride and joy of some omegas. Many omegas stay virgins and I wished to remain one before marriage. I had promised my virginity to someone already. I am betrothed to that man and if he finds out he will kill my family." Marvolo said with tears now freely flowing down his face.

"I am sorry." Louis whispered.

"What is an omega?" Fred asked after awhile and Louis glared at him.

"An omega is a submissive and fertile man. It mostly refers to men but there are multiple females out there too. Royal omegas are Male omegas that have vaginas. Royal omegas are sometimes called ancient omegas." Marvolo explained and the two nodded taking all the new information in.

"Weren't you two listening when your class was learning about anatomy in my world?" Marvolo asked when he remembered that his papa/brother had said he thought them about it.

"Who thought that?" Fred asked which earned him a deadly glare from Marvolo.

"How do you not know who thought you that? No just leave it, don't answer. I don't want to know. And for you to know it was thought by Draco Malfoy. He had told me when he thought you about the basic things like this." Marvolo said and sat down on the bed.

"Fred, Louis come downstairs it's time for dinner." Harry Potter called out for the two when he noticed they were not down yet.

"You two should go." Marvolo said when he noticed the two still sitting there.

"We don't want to leave you alone." Louis said and Marvolo rolled his eyes.

"Leave." He said and when the two left and as the door clicked shut behind them he buried his face in the pillow and sobbed.

He had made a mistake and he knew that his family will suffer because of it. He knew he was the one who had selflessly said he will be the one to marry the man and form an alliance and be the one to make sure his brothers never laid their hands on anyone ever again.

He knew he could have backed out but he decided to make a stupid promise for his families safety. His papa/brother had said he will marry him but he out himself between it because he knew he played a role in it. He could have stopped it before it had got out of hand but he did not. He was the one that was in the bigger wrong though, he was the one that started it all.

The Weasley and Potter clan frowned when they had knocking that could pass as angry banging was heard at the door. They looked at each other and back at the door. They were in the living room with their food in their hands. They were eating there while sat on the floor.

"Who has came here at this time?" Molly Weasley asked as she stood up from her seat.

"I will get it grandma." Fred said as he stood up and strode to the door.

When he opened it he saw flashing red eyes and then he was punched right in the face. He heard gasps from his family behind him and then he was thrown to the floor and he saw golden eyes staring down at him. Fred did not know what he should do. He was scared shitless of what was going to happen.

Neville was stood beside Asmodeus who was glaring down at him. Neville was covered in bruises and scratches he had gotten from being beaten by the family. Mostly the alphas attacked and they had even confiscated his wand.

Draco had stopped them before they killed him though. Draco didn't understand why they wanted to use violence, but he let them because he didn't what else to do with their anger.

"Bring Marvolo here." Anton ordered and he looked up right at Louis who immediately got up. Everyone had their wands pointed at the pack.

Authors note

Updated on: 08 September 2021

Word count:

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